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amarok won't stop updating

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    amarok won't stop updating

    I added a new folder of about 20 OGG's to Amarok's search path yesterday. Though I don't know if this problem was happening earlier.

    I open Amarok and it just starts scanning and updating. It's making progress but never stops. If it gets to the end and I check it in a half hour, it's back down to 10% for example. It seems to be starting over and over and never stopping. I let it run over night and still processing in the morning. I have a good 20-25gb of MP3/OGG's but it's never taken more than an hour for the whole thing before. I can't play anything in Amarok right now either, it's almost as if it's hung or really really slow and the interface is just not responding. Is it possible to just rename the database file and have it start fresh?

    I tried moving that folder of 20 new OGG's out of the search path but it's still doing the same.

    Kubuntu Feisty.
    $ amarokapp --version
    Qt: 3.3.7
    KDE: 3.5.7
    Amarok: 1.4.6

    Re: amarok won't stop updating


    rm -rf ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok
    rm ~/.kde/share/config/amarok
    Or what I did that seems to have fixed it.... go into /home/username/.kde/share/apps/amarok and rename anything that started with collection. Example: collection.db renamed to collection.db.heh, did that for all the collection files and restarted amarok. Seems fixed now and is responding properly.


      Re: amarok won't stop updating

      Originally posted by clickwir

      rm -rf ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok
      rm ~/.kde/share/config/amarok
      Or what I did that seems to have fixed it.... go into /home/username/.kde/share/apps/amarok and rename anything that started with collection. Example: collection.db renamed to collection.db.heh, did that for all the collection files and restarted amarok. Seems fixed now and is responding properly.
      My problem was more related to this bug (amarok hangs on start) and your solution actually worked perfectly.
      &quot;Live Outside The Square You Live In&quot;<br />&quot;Vivez hors du quartier où vous habitez&quot;

