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Problem recently surfaced with login/logout

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    Problem recently surfaced with login/logout

    I'm writing regarding my Dad's installation of Kubuntu. First off, let me say that he started with an install of Ubuntu 6.06. We upgraded him to 6.10, then 7.04. I then installed the KDE/Kubuntu stuff because I thought it would be easier for him and he likes KDE fine.

    The problem is this. Recently (not sure how recently, he just told me about it and said it's been doing this "for a while.") when the system boots and brings up the login screen, he is able to just hit "enter" instead of entering his password. I re-set his password, and it still does this for both his login and password required at all!

    The other thing is that none of the "quit" options work: Logout just causes the system to hang with a blank screen; Restart does the same thing; same with Turn off. He's now started just hard re-booting (holding the power button until the machine powers down, then pusing the power button). I know this isn't good for the file system and I'm running e2fsck on the partitions even as I write this.

    I tried re-installing the Kubuntu package, but that seemed to have no effect on these symptoms.

    Any ideas/help/suggestions appreciated.

    I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.

    Re: Problem recently surfaced with login/logout

    Originally posted by nitewing98
    no password required at all
    You may access KDE's Control Center in "super user mode" (by [Alt][F2] kdesu kcontrol) and review the settings in the module System Administration | Login Manager | Convenience ...

    Originally posted by nitewing98
    none of the "quit" options work
    Please, search the forum's archive, for this has been discussed at great lenght, already :P


      Re: Problem recently surfaced with login/logout

      This is beta software then?


        Re: Problem recently surfaced with login/logout

        Originally posted by UnicornRider
        You may access KDE's Control Center in "super user mode" (by [Alt][F2] kdesu kcontrol) and review the settings in the module System Administration | Login Manager | Convenience ...
        Thanks! Done and fixed!

        I searched about item #2 and did find a thread, but the advice there for editing kdmrc didn't help, the machine still hangs. I'll do some more research, but any other thoughts would be helpful, or a pointer to the thread you're thinking of.
        I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.


          Re: Problem recently surfaced with login/logout

          Just a quick note for anyone else that has this problem (the logout/shutdown/reboot issue):

          I found']this thread[/url] that has most of the info, but to give you the "shorthand" version, make sure that in your /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc file you have these lines in the "[Shutdown]" section:

          HaltCmd=/sbin/shutdown -h now
          RebootCmd=/sbin/shutdown -r now

          and that in the "[X-*-Core]" section you have:

          Everything works fine now!

          I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.

