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Odd Problem with KDE???

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    Odd Problem with KDE???

    I dont know what this would fall under, but I edited my /etc/environment and /home/"user"/.profile to include some variables I need to install a development package... After i incorectly edited it, would not boot, fixed that problem easily and now when i try to run adept or apt-get I get a crash message. how would I fix this or is it unrecoverable?

    hazard@Radiation-II-L:~/pspdev/psptoolchain$ sudo ./
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    ERROR: Install subversion before continuing.
    ../depends/ Failed.
    ERROR: Could not run the toolchain script.
    hazard@Radiation-II-L:~/pspdev/psptoolchain$ sudo apt-get install subversion
    Reading package lists... Done
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    Any suggestions?

    PS: I almost forgot to mention this... the readme from the toolchain installer wrote:
     What does this do?
     This program will automatically build and install a compiler and other
     tools used in the creation of homebrew software for the Sony Playstation
     Portable handheld videogame system.
     How do I use it?
     1) Set up your environment by installing the following software:
     autoconf, automake, bison, flex, gcc, make, ncurses, patch, subversion, texinfo, wget
     2) Add the following to your login script:
     export PSPDEV=/usr/local/pspdev
     export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/bin
     3) Run the toolchain script:
    Before trying to compile I made sure that I had all dependency packages and the environment variables set. I know that subversion is installed but dont know why it isnt being recognized. That is the secondary problem that I am having at the moment.

    Re: Odd Problem with KDE

    [quote=hazardousracerx ]
    hazard@Radiation-II-L:~/pspdev/psptoolchain$ sudo ./
    3) Run the toolchain script:

    If you correctly posted what you actually typed (sudo ./, that isn't what the quote above said to do.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Odd Problem with KDE

      there are 2 scripts actually, and one is meant the be run as root, for example if using cygwin in windows, you are always root so you would use The other is meant to be run with the sudo command ( In any case I get the same results using both scripts so i know that is not the problem. I still need to know why it is crashing when trying to run apt-get and adept.


        Re: Odd Problem with KDE

        Originally posted by hazardousracerx
        I still need to know why it is crashing
        Then post your actual editions to "environment" and "profile" :P


          Re: Odd Problem with KDE

          i did, after incorrectly editing them the 1st time i copied and pasted exactly from the readme and added the entries at the end of both files so that I could run them as root as well. In any case I fixed the adept problem using synaptic. When I posted this last night synaptic wasn't working either so I really didn't have any options that I knew of. The problem i have now is, why it is asking me to install subversion when I already installed it.


            Re: Odd Problem with KDE

            hazard@Radiation-II-L:~/pspdev/psptoolchain$ sudo ./
            Segmentation fault (core dumped)
            ERROR: Install subversion before continuing.
            ../depends/ Failed.
            ERROR: Could not run the toolchain script.
            I was working on this some more and found that when trying to do a svn update it says "segmentation fault (core dumped!)". After re-installing subversion it still does the same thing. That is why the script doesn't want to run and doesnt recognize that subversion is installed. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


              Re: Odd Problem with KDE

     when i try to run adept or apt-get I get a crash message. how would I fix this or is it unrecoverable?
              Unicornrider: Would hazardousracerx's real problem here be with a trashed Adept history and sources.list? He says that when he attempts to run either Adept or apt-get he gets crash notices. Further, that Adpet / apt-get reports the need to install subversion, even though he says it is installed. Would he risk anything if he opens a konsole and runs the following:

              sudo dpkg --configure -a
              sudo apt-get autoremove
              sudo apt-get autoclean
              sudo apt-get update
              sudo apt-get install

              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Odd Problem with KDE

                doesn't matter anymore with the above mentioned problems... i used adept-manager to un-install all the packages that I installed to run the toolchain script and somehow ended up uninstalling EVERY application to include apt-get, adept, synaptic and dpkg. I ended up just re-installing Kubuntu but instead of the 64-bit version i installed the 32-bit version and so far haven't had as many problems, I am still trying to figure out how to get it to keep my network settings after a reboot because right now I have to setup the gateway and such every time I login. however i am still in the customization and installation of drivers and such phase of re-installation. i will definitely post results wether they change or not. One of my co-workers suggested that I re-install anyway because he said the segmentation fault indicated that there was a problem with the partition. It should be later tonight when i update


                  Re: Odd Problem with KDE

                  A segmentation fault is not an indication of filesystem corruption, it means that there's a bug in the program (specifics).
                  For external use only.


                    Re: Odd Problem with KDE

                    now it really doesn't matter, but thanks for the info about the segfault. I got tired of Kubuntu not working the way it should and always crashing so I installed ubuntu. It worked right at the start. After I installed all the required packages and graphics driver, i ran the script above and i beleive it ran flawlessly. honestly i have never had it finish the compiling process but i think it did this time. Anyway thanks for all the help everybody but ubuntu just works better for me.


                      Re: Odd Problem with KDE

                      Originally posted by hazardousracerx
                      Anyway thanks for all the help everybody but ubuntu just works better for me.
                      Glad that you have a working system. You always have the option to later, if you so desire, to install KDE desktop, either as an addition to or a replacement for, your Gnome desktop.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: Odd Problem with KDE

                        Originally posted by hazardousracerx
                        thanks for all the help everybody but ubuntu just works better for me.
                        No problem, I use 'em both. Good luck with it!


                          Re: Odd Problem with KDE

                          thanks again, and I might install the KDE later on. I have limited experience with both environments and i prefer KDE but it just wasn't working for me on my home system. I have noticed that KDE ran faster than GNOME does, but right now I am trying to get myself setup before I deploy so that i can learn and code in my spare time.

