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KDE 4 Alpha 2

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    KDE 4 Alpha 2

    So there was a news post put up at today (I only found it now because I watch all my syndication feeds through LJ, and that was down 'til 9:30ish tonight) talking about KDE 4 Alpha 2 being available via backports for Feisty, and how it can be installed side by side with the current stable version of KDE. Anyone else play with it yet? I'm curious because people keep talking about this forthcoming KDE 4, but I've never really played with anything so early in the testing process before.

    I like that there are easy instructions on how to set it up to easily access it without hosing my current KDE installation, but if some of you more experienced users would suggest I wait until the beta at least, if not stable, I'll probably wait.

    Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

    I've installed the alpha on gutsy. It isn't ready for anything serious yet, but you can get a preview on kde4 dolphin for example (It's a lot better than the dolphin on kde3)

    If you're curious about KDE4 there shouldn't be much harm in installing it (should be easy to remove if you wish...and it shouldn't mess with your kde3 installation).


      Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

      Conversely you can check out this:

      It is a kde4 alpha2 live cd. Okay it is based on suse but was referred by the ubuntuusers page and gives you a pretty good idea.

      Enjoy and say hello to CA. for me
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

        I tried installing Alpha 2 into Feisty the same day it came out, but without success. During the installation apt received errors installing kde4base and kde4base-data, complaining that it was trying to overwrite files that were part of kdelibs5 and kdelibs5-data.

        The recommended apt-get -f install would give me the same errors (if I remember correctly). I ended up just blowing away kde4base-dev which cleaned everything up.

        I've run the SuSE-based Alpha 1 live CD through qemu, but yeah, I'd like to see it running on Kubuntu.


          Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

          I got it running after two tries, not very hard. Just some confusing wording i didnt understand. But honestly its awesome. Cant wait till the real thing comes out.
          Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon - Registered Linux User--> # 15709


            Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

            KDE 4.0: revolution or hype?


            Kubuntu and KDE 4
            The first news in this talk was that Kubuntu will not ship with KDE 4 as the default version for the next two (!) Kubuntu reasons. This is due to the fact that the next version of Kubuntu, Gutsy, will not include KDE 4 because it will not be ready till then. The version after Gutsy would be totally perfect for KDE 4, however, this version will be a Long Time Support version. These specific Ubuntu versions are released every 18 24 months and aim at long term stability. Therefore they only include packages which are already in a pretty stable and reliable state. And Jonathan Riddell mentioned that he does not believe that KDE 4 will reach that state that far.
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

              Pray tell? Who ready CW and takes them seriously? At least in the penguin world?
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                With an article title like "revolution or hype", I'm not surprised you take that attitude.

                Sure, there's the whole Plasma thing, but it is neither revolutionary, nor all hype. Just another stage in the evolution of the desktop environment.
                For external use only.


                  Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                  More time to develop KDE4

                  Schedules/KDE4/4.0 Release Schedule

                  KDE 4.0 Release Schedule Revised
                  The final and long awaited release of the KDE Desktop 4.0 is planned for December, 11th 2007
                  Before you edit, BACKUP !

                  Why there are dead links ?
                  1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                  2. Thread: Lost Information


                    Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                    I tried Beta 1 earlier today...I couldnt get it running for more that a few seconds without it locking up, crashing, and going painfully slow (i.e. I added an applet to my task bar and it took about 30 seconds (no exaggeration) for the applets "icon" to "slide down to the task bar")

                    I have an AMD 64 4000+ 2 GB DDR, with an nVidia 7600 GT, (Running 32bit Kubuntu) so its not my system at all.

                    I am a software developer and wanted a early preview of KDE4 but I cannot even use the Beta1 for more than 2 mins before it just fully locks hard.

                    Checking the process, nothing was running that was taking even %1 of the CPU, so I am at a loss here.

                    I have high hopes for KDE4, but so far its nothing but a let down.


                      Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                      KDE 4 Beta 2 is out

                      KDE 4.0 Beta 2 Release Announcement

                      And for Kubuntu
                      The second beta release of KDE 4 has been released and packages are available for Kubuntu Gutsy. Packages for 7.04 are currently being compiled and will appear in feisty-backports soon.
                      Before you edit, BACKUP !

                      Why there are dead links ?
                      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                      2. Thread: Lost Information


                        Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                        Great. I just tired it.
                        I did:

                        sudo apt-get install kde4base-dev

                        installed just fine but I don't have:




                        any thoughts?
                        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                        4 GB Ram
                        Kubuntu 18.10


                          Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                          Are beta 2 packages in feisty backports yet? I only see the beta 1 packages.


                            Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                            Originally posted by Fintan
                            Great. I just tired it.
                            I did:

                            sudo apt-get install kde4base-dev

                            installed just fine but I don't have:




                            any thoughts?
                            As described in the release notes, you need to install 'kdebase-workspace' (this has changed since beta 1)


                              Re: KDE 4 Alpha 2

                              For Fintan:

                              Here dpkg tells:
                              :~$ dpkg -S /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop
                              kde4base-data: /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop
                              man dpkg:
                              dpkg -S | --search filename-search-pattern ...
                              Search for a filename from installed packages.
                              Do you have kde4base-data ?
                              This is for beta 1

                              For jackuess:
                              Packages for 7.04 are currently being compiled and will appear in feisty-backports soon.
                              Not yet
                              Before you edit, BACKUP !

                              Why there are dead links ?
                              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                              2. Thread: Lost Information

