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FIXED: Installed envy... now will not boot???

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    FIXED: Installed envy... now will not boot???

    Hi all, I am a complete N00b to having Linux on a home system. I mainly use it at work, but not to this extent. I have been reading the forums for the past 2 days working out various issues to include wireless internet access and others. During a period on inactivity I noticed that the screensaver was not running at the speed which it is supposed to. I am lost as to what I have to do the get my graphics card working properly. I have a generic brand Laptop that I built with the following specs:

    Dual Boot Windows Vista Ultimate & Kubuntu 7.04 AMD-64
    AMD Turion-64 X2 @ 2.00 GHz
    2 GB RAM
    256 MB Geforce Go 7600 PCI-Express
    120 GB HD
    Internal Wireless Mini-PCI
    On-Board 10/100/1000 Wired NIC

    I tried to install the newest envy, 0.9.6, and I am missing dependencies... ALOT of them. How do i go about using the tools available with a fresh install in order to get the packages that I need to install envy? Any help is appreciated and i apologize if something similar was posted before. If someone could give me a step by step that would be great but any help is appreciated.

    Re: installing envy??

    Originally posted by hazardousracerx

    I tried to install the newest envy, 0.9.6, and I am missing dependencies... ALOT of them.
    I think these are mostly some python packages, right? Just note them down from the Envy error message, then go mark them in Adept or Synaptic, and "apply", and they'll be installed for you.


      Re: installing envy??

      ok, I go to adept installer and there are grayed out items that I cannot select at all but none of them corespond to the packages that are missing dependencies of envy. I dont know if I have synaptic and if I do then I dont know how to access it. As I stated above i am a complete noob. I use linux at work but it is extremely restricted and basically it is used as a office tool. There were about 20-25 packages that need installing to install envy. Thanks for any help.


        Re: installing envy??

        I seem to remember that to install Envy, you have to add the Universe and Multiverse repositories... Did you do that?


          UPDATE: Installed envy... now will not boot

          I finally figured out what I was doing and got envy installed flawlessly... Then i installed the NVIDIA graphics driver. After installation I clicked Yes for it to modify the xorg.conf file and then rebooted. no biggie right... WRONG!!! Upon reboot I cannot boot into kubuntu other than command line. I that I need to restore the backup xorg.conf file but dont know where it is. Can anyone tell me where the xorg.conf and its backup are located so I can replace the new one with the old one?


            Re: UPDATE: Installed envy... now will not boot


            OK, one more time before we go hunting for the old xorg.conf. When you log in to the CLI, enter
            sudo envy -t
            and let's try the text mode Envy installer -- sometimes it works better that way, for unknown reasons.


              Re: UPDATE: Installed envy... now will not boot

              i got it working last night but afterwards had no energy left so i went to bed. I had to edit the /etc/default/linux-..... (cant remember the rest) file to not disable the new driver. After doing so it worked great.

              I followed this post and it worked.
              When i posted the new "problem" last night I had forgotten about the search function at the top of the page and i apologize for wasting people's time. Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.


                Re: FIXED: Installed envy... now will not boot

                Good to hear it's working, but unhappy to hear that Envy did not disable the nv driver automatically. I run both a 64-bit Ubuntu and the 32-bit Kubuntu, and Envy sets up the new driver for my GF 7900 GS in both systems, which I think is a very similar card to your 7600. Oh well, "all's well that ends well", I guess.


                  Re: FIXED: Installed envy... now will not boot

                  no, the problem wasn't that the nv driver was disabled, the problem was that the nvidia driver that was installed by envy WAS disabled and in the xorg.conf file the only driver that was enabled was the new driver. with that configuration there is NO driver and thus no X.

