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Intel v AMD

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    Intel v AMD

    I am considering purchasing a laptop.

    Please would you give me any advise or personal experiences on this subject.
    I need to run both Windows and Kubuntu.

    Which O.S should I look for XP or Vista?
    Which processor should I get, AMD Turion 64 or Intel Centrino 2 Duo?
    Are there any suggested laptops I should consider or steer clear of?
    Thank you for your help.

    Re: Intel v AMD

    Originally posted by *desk*
    I am considering purchasing a laptop.

    Please would you give me any advise or personal experiences on this subject.
    I need to run both Windows and Kubuntu.

    Which O.S should I look for XP or Vista?
    You say you need to run Windows in addition to running Kubuntu. Which version of Windows are you needing to run? That question, only you can answer. If you are purchasing a new laptop, you (most likely) are not going to have a choice in which Windows OS you get, as these days, Vista is what comes pre-installed. If XP is what you MUST have, then you are going to have to shop around, whether at local stores or via the Internet, for retailers that provide OS installation choices at time of purchase.

    As to the processor, first, you need to decide if a 64-bit processor is what you actually need. AMD vs Intel, IMHO, comes down to personal choice. I've always had Intel chips, so I can't speak to any positives or negatives of the AMD line of processors.

    As to the laptop itself, you need to look at the video card/chip that it includes. Many laptops offer options on this. You should search the forum here for video issues so you know what you may expect. The same is going to be true for the sound card/chip that any given laptop comes with.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Intel v AMD

      Thanks for your suggestions.
      I have noticed some suppliers offering a "downgrade" from Vista to XP for about £40.
      I would prefer to use XP.............sorry I'll say that again.......I would prefer to suffer with XP rather than Vista.


        Re: Intel v AMD

        I typed this up, then forgot about it and closed the tab. Here's the post.

        I highly suggest XP. It takes up MUCH less resources. Vista is a resource hog.

        For processors, I have not used an AMD processor either. Windows won't care what you use. But, since you're going to have Linux, you'll probably want an Intel. While Intel and AMD are almost supported equally well, Intel has a slight lead, and there's always that one thing that won't run on a certain processor.

        Basically, it's buy what you need.
        EDIT: Oh yeah, don't pay the £40 if you can help it. Tell them to just send the installation disc and you'll do the installing. (I'm pretty sure the disc is a regular Windows installation disc, but I'm not sure...)
        For external use only.


          Re: Intel v AMD

          As for the Intel vs. AMD debate, most users wouldn't notice any difference. There are minor differences between the two architectures that, for the home user, will really have no effect on performance on single-core systems.

          I personally stay with AMD because, in my experience, they deliver a quality product with a superior design.

          As for Windows... XP is the end of the line my friend. I will never migrate to Vista. Tried it. Hate it. Vista purposefully breaks most new technologies for "security reasons". For example: SLI is not-supported (and according to design specs, never can be); any "protected" content on your computer can (will?) disable sound or enable "down-sampling" of video/sound; many extra CPU cycles are eaten up just to make sure you're not stealing media (even from yourself).


            Re: Intel v AMD

            Dell sells PCs with Ubuntu pre-installed, so you don't need to waste a penny to get Vista or XP. If you buy Cedega, run Dosbox (assuming you play games) and a Windows emulator, it's unlikely you will ever need the real Windows installed. Of course, unless you have some heavy duty piece of software which won't emulate well, like Maya or 3D Studio.
            You may want to try to live only with (K)Ubuntu for some days and check if you really need Windows. Hopefully you don't.


              Re: Intel v AMD

              Thanks for all your helpful advice.

              I do like to use Photoshop CS and CoolEdit Pro (Audition) which can only run with XP.
              I know there are Linux alternatives but they are not as good.
              I also need to run software for my Nokia mobile and TomTom satnav which I assume can only be used in Windows.
              So, although I would love to detatch myself from Mr Gates I can't see how I can.


                Re: Intel v AMD

                Originally posted by *desk*
                So, although I would love to detatch myself from Mr Gates I can't see how I can.
                There are always going to be purists on both sides of the argument - those purely for Linux and those purely for Windows. As is almost universally true with 'absolutes,' a 100 % 'one or the other' approach to computer operating systems is not always practical. I've been a M$ Windoze user my entire computer life, until just a few months ago, when I installed Kubuntu Edgy Eft on my old laptop. In that case, I blew away M$ XP in favor of 'just Linux.' But I did that because I had a second laptop with M$ Vista. I too, had things that I still needed to use M$ for. But I also installed Feisty Fawn on to it as a second OS, and set things up for dual-booting. All is good.

                My predominate OS use on this laptop now, is Linux, with an occasional boot into Vista for the things I have to do there. So, don't feel bad that you can't completely detach your self from M$. We all have crosses to bear! 8)
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Intel v AMD

                  Originally posted by *desk*
                  I also need to run software for my Nokia mobile and TomTom satnav which I assume can only be used in Windows.
                  I use Motorola Phone Tools for my razr, and (notwithstanding some non-verifiable claims that Moto4Lin actually works) I found it perfectly reasonable to use MPT in a VMWare Player virtual Win XP machine. Since it happens that Intel makes my BIOS flash updates available for Linux, I really have no remaining reasons to have a bootable windows installation -- it's taken the better part of year to get to this point, so if you take your time, you may be able to make the migration too. Just hang onto that old Win XP CD -- you'll need it for your VMWare Player.


                    Re: Intel v AMD

                    Thanks again for all your intelligent remarks.
                    here is little doubt once I aquire my laptop I will be depending on this magnificent Forum to guide me in the right direction to get Kubuntu working correctly on my new computer.

