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Ubuntu to Kubuntu? How to?

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    Ubuntu to Kubuntu? How to?

    Hi, I installed Ubuntu but after living with it for a while, I still prefer KDE. Don't get me wrong, it all works really well - but there are still parts of Gnome that look very Windows 98-ish - and all things considered, once you do a lot of configuration and tweaking, you can get KDE to look really very cool. I'm sure the same is true of Gnome - but KDE is also much more configurable than Gnome and has a lot more facilities.

    Anyway, I have tried installing KDE in Ubuntu before - and it never seems to work as well, or be as well integrated as a native Kubuntu install.

    The thing is I can't just install a clean version of Kubuntu - because I have put far too much work into my Ubuntu install (drivers, configuration etc). I think a big part of the problem with my past attempts to go from Ubuntu to KDE/Kubuntu is that I am never certain exactly which packages I need to install - so I end up trying to install everything that is even a little bit related to KDE. This is what seems to cause a lot of problems.

    So I was wondering, can anyone tell me exactly what packages to install so that I will have the same packages in my Ubuntu install as are included in a default Kubuntu install?

    Is there possibly a script that can do this that can help speed the process up a little? (Rather than selecting a whole bunch of individual packages).

    Re: Ubuntu to Kubuntu? How to?

    well, all you need to do, really, is
    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
    and that's it.
    have a go.
    gnu/linux is not windoze

