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transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

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    transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

    I've tried k9copy and dvdrip. Both cause the system to reboot during the transcode phase. I tried to cat all the vob files into one and that didn't even work. Any ideas?

    Re: transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

    don't know what might be causing your issue.
    Originally posted by dwsdad
    I tried to cat all the vob files into one and that didn't even work. Any ideas?
    i recently used vobcopy (in universe) to do this and it worked quite well.
    hth (at least a little bit).
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

      Thanks for the tip. I just tried vobcopy and it generated 3 vob files out of all the ones on the DVD. I'm trying tcextract, tcrequant, and mplex on those now. Myabe that'll work. Sure is odd how DVDRIP and k9copy both reboot my box during transcode. A bug in transcode maybe?


        Re: transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

        Well, that didn't work either. tcextract created a 0 byte file which couldn't be read by mplex.


          Re: transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

          Originally posted by dwsdad
          Sure is odd how DVDRIP and k9copy both reboot my box during transcode.
          definitely funny.
          does it do it consistently with any dvd, or just this one?

          Originally posted by dwsdad
          A bug in transcode maybe?
          couldn't say, really.
          though, i guess there's a lot of people using dvdrip and stuff.
          if it's a bug, it could be something to do with your sw/hw combination...

          i'm just throwing things at you, 'cause i really can't say...

          have you tried transcode directly on the vobs created by vobcopy, by any chance?
          you could try and start it something like so
          transcode -q 2 -i input.vob -o whatever.out -x ... -y ... -e ... > /home/youruser/transcode.log 2>&1
          so that if your box reboots, you at least have a log file with some messages to investigate afterwards.
          there could be clues to as to why things go as they go and pointing to the actual problem.

          you could then also strace transcode to get even more debugging/logging info...
          strace transcode ...
          i'm afraid i can't be any more helpful than this.

          oh, perhaps post your system's specs...
          there could be someone out there with the same setup having (or not having) the same issue.

          gnu/linux is not windoze


            Re: transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

            I appreciate all the suggestions. I figure multiple heads is better than, especially when the one is mine!

            I tried the snippet of transcode you suggested (still running as I type this) and I'm seeing a LOT of internal errors (A|1) - whatever that means.

            (frame_threads.c) internal error (A|1)8 fps, EMT: 0:32:05, ( 0| 0| 0)
            (frame_threads.c) internal error (A|1)

            and that's about all I see being spit out.

            BTW, I'm running this on a dual core Intel processor with that's of any help.


              Re: transcoding a ripped dvd causes auto reboot

              Notion 1. Thermal cutoff? Dual cores can get hot -- are you sure you got that heatsink/fan mounted correctly? Are your running lm-sensors, so you can monitor the CPU temp?

              Notion 2. RAM - have you run memtest86, for a reasonable period of time?

