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Amarok won't start after crash

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    Amarok won't start after crash

    Recently amarok was running flawless on my computer, but for some reason it freezed up at a point and I had to kill it. After that, I'm totally unable to start it again. I just get the bouncing icon for a few seconds and then nothing. I've tried to run it in the terminal but I get no output at all there either. Tried to reinstall it to and that doesnt work either. Any ideas?

    Edit: tried to run it from the terminal again and it gave this output:
    Amarok: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
    Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
    Amarok: [Loader] Amarok is taking a long time to load! Perhaps something has gone wrong?

    Doesn't help me a lot though

    Re: Amarok won't start after crash

    I was having the same problem. I think that mine was caused because my collection was on a samba share that was not mounting at startup. I had to do the following:

    ps -e|grep amarok

    and then

    sudo kill <pid> where <pid> is the process ID number of every process that shows up when you run the first command. Good luck.


      Re: Amarok won't start after crash

      Thanks, but unfortunately it didn't work. However, I found that I could get amarok up and running by doing a "sudo amarokapp" (it does not work if you just write amarok). The output I get is this:

      kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x809af28 ): KAccel object already contains an action name "play_pause"
      QLayout "unnamed" added to QVBox "unnamed", which already has a layout
      kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x809af28 ): KAccel object already contains an action name "play_pause"
      QLayout: Adding KToolBar/mainToolBar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow
      QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments
      StarManager::ratingsColorsChanged() --> ContextBrowser::ratingOrScoreOrLabelsChanged(const QString&)
      kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KActionCollection::KActionCollection( QObject *parent, const char *name, KInstance *instance )

      Not sure if that's helping, but I figured it might be good.

      Edit: Solved the problem now. Turns out it was a pretty common problem. It was just confusing when I, unlike most others, didn't get any output by running it in the terminal.


        Re: Amarok won't start after crash

        guys, its a problem with libucrl. (a bunch of packages rely on it). see here from the changelog:
        curl (7.16.2-6ubuntu4) gutsy; urgency=low

        * Completly revert the two previous changes - libcurl's symbols are

        curl (7.16.2-6ubuntu3) gutsy; urgency=low

        * Add Conflicts and Replaces on older versions of libcurl4{,-gnutls} for
        libcurl3{,-gnutls} so that upgrades don't blow up.

        curl (7.16.2-6ubuntu2) gutsy; urgency=low

        * Provide two transitional packages, libcurl4 and libcurl4-gnutls that
        depend on their libcurl3 counterparts.
        * Stop libcurl3 and libcurl3-gnutls Conflicting and Providing their
        libcurl4 counterparts.

        you'll just have to wait till it gets fixed.
        <br />

