So I installed kbfx, which installed two kubuntu themes along with it.
I tried the default kbfx settings, the two kubuntu themes, and even tried downloading two new kbfx themes.
However, my K button, nor menu never changed. I've used kbfx on Gentoo before so I was confused why it wasn't working.
I tried downloading the source and building it, but cmake wasn't installed. So I installed cmake. Cmake told me I didn't have a compiler, even though I have gcc installed.
I tried downloading an earlier version that didn't use cmake, and it told me I didn't have autoconf. So I installed autoconf, and it then again told me I didn't have autoconf. It said I needed at least version 2.5, and that I had 2.6, which apparently wasn't at least version 2.5
Consider me less than thrilled with Kubuntu so far.
I tried the default kbfx settings, the two kubuntu themes, and even tried downloading two new kbfx themes.
However, my K button, nor menu never changed. I've used kbfx on Gentoo before so I was confused why it wasn't working.
I tried downloading the source and building it, but cmake wasn't installed. So I installed cmake. Cmake told me I didn't have a compiler, even though I have gcc installed.
I tried downloading an earlier version that didn't use cmake, and it told me I didn't have autoconf. So I installed autoconf, and it then again told me I didn't have autoconf. It said I needed at least version 2.5, and that I had 2.6, which apparently wasn't at least version 2.5
Consider me less than thrilled with Kubuntu so far.