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Java and Firefox

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    Java and Firefox


    what's an easy way to get firefox work with java 6 ?

    in some threads they are talking about to install java6 and the according java plugin. but in my repositories there is no java plugin... except for a pretty old one.

    an installation with automatix didn't work either...

    my system is a x86-64 and i'm using kubuntu 7.04 64-bit.
    in my opinion it's pretty hard to get java installed so that the browsers firefox / konqueror can use it...

    any help would be very fine!


    Re: Java and Firefox

    If (from Firefox) you click "Tools>Add-ons>get extensions>plugins", I see a Java plugin listed about 3 or 4 down. Is that what you are looking for?


      Re: Java and Firefox

      well, I don't know...

      I have to use java in firefox but I'm not able to...

      is there a simple step by step instruction how to get the latest sun java packages work with firefox




        Re: Java and Firefox

        Not that I'm aware of, but I'll bet that your older installation is the one causing the issues.

        Look in $HOME/.mozilla/plugins and see if you have a file or link named - if so, delete it.

        If not, look in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins - if you've properly installed the sun-java6-plugin package, there should be a link named and it should be pointing to /etc/alternatives/ (which is another soft-link to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/ If you have something different, delete it and re-install the plugin package.
        E. A. (Ed) Graham, Jr.<br />Professional Java Geek<br />Linux User #28251


          Re: Java and Firefox

          thanks for the information!

          my problem is, I have no sun-java6-plugin package to install...there is no plugin package at all to install from my what should I do know?

          where can I find this plugin? isn't it available for 64-bit machines?



            Re: Java and Firefox

            ok...I reinstalled the damn thing with the 32-bit kubuntu 7.04 and guess what...

            the flash-plugin installed automatically in firefox...
            and in the adept manager there was this damn java plugin package I the 64-bit repository there wasn't the plugin clue why it's missing there....

            this is really poor for the x86-64 platform i guess...really poor!!!
            I'm a little disappointed about that.

            Fazit1: on trying linux (kubuntu).
            32-bit seams to be fine - at least with automatix2 the nvidia drivers installed properly which is a very cool feature and should be implemented out of the box...
            Fazit2: the huge amount of different distributions kills linux...but that's only my opinion. there is always a difference between the distributions and I'm not that expierenced to solve the ONE standard would be great. and this should be implemented in each distro...
            Fazit3: although I'm pretty satisfied on the development process - I initially started with Suse 5.x and now it's much more easier to setup a running system! So respect to all people who do this great job improving that stuff.


              Re: Java and Firefox

              Originally posted by invader78
              thanks for the information!

              my problem is, I have no sun-java6-plugin package to install...there is no plugin package at all to install from my what should I do know?

              where can I find this plugin? isn't it available for 64-bit machines?

              I'm having the same problem. Does the package not exist for 64-bit machines?

              I have all the correct repositories added, and I installed sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jre but there is no sun-java6-plugin nor a sun-java5-plugin.

              There was a package my wife found after I left for work, and I believe it was called firefox-java-plugin, but it old, and it also required me to uninstall the sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jre before the plugin would install.

              I heard that most of Sun's JAVA is GPL now. Is there a place I can download the pertinent Java 6 plugin code and compile it?


                Re: Java and Firefox

                Sun does indeed not provide a 64-bit Java plug-in (not for Linux and also not for Windows).

                Java is going to be / is already open source, but it is not so easy like: download the sources, compile for 64-bit and voila. If it would have been that easy, then Sun would have provided a 64-bit plug-in long ago!

                So for now if you want to have Java in your browser on your 64-bit system, you will need to use 32-bit Firefox and the 32-bit Java plug-in. (Yes, these work on a 64-bit system too).

