I recently upgraded from edgy to feisty (64bit amd). I'm in the process of writing a paper in latex using the jasatex package, and I'm using the preprint option. Before I upgraded, the document would compile (latex filename.tex) fine and everything would be in order...bibliography followed by tables followed by list of figures followed by the figures, each on their own page without captions.
Now when I compile it, everything at the end is scrambled up. There are 2 figures per page and the figures are captioned, tables and figure lists etc are mixed together. It's a mess. But it compiles without any errors or warnings.
I thought that it might be that jasatex is screwy, so I tried revtex as well with similar results.
I thought maybe texLive was screwy, so I tried tetex with exactly the same result (they both use pdfetex now, so that might be the problem).
Can anyone tell me what changed in the latex installation from edgy to feisty?
I contacted the maintainer of jasatex at aip.org and she just told me told me to ask here.
Are there any other scientists out there that have come across this? I'd like to know if I'm alone.