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Does anything work in Kubuntu?

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    Does anything work in Kubuntu?

    Since I installed Kubuntu I've had nothing but problem after problem after problem...
    Either my keyboard stops working or my mouse does, and how long it works seems to be random since it always differ after restart. My graphics card won't work at all, I can hardly plays kmines without lag...and still I use one of the better available...
    My ntfs configured FW HD won't mount, problems with reading and writing I can understand but since I installd ntfs-3G that shouldn't be a problem either.
    Furthermore I can't seem to find an app that will play DVD without any problems, nor a bit torrent client that will work...
    Stream wma, how?

    Since I don't want to have an illegal OS running and I can't afford to buy one, linux is the only option. Does it have too be this hard to keep on the right side of the law? Do I have to know every command in console to be able to get this running with at least the mouse and keyboard functioning?

    Does anyone have the solution to at least one of my problems I would be very greatful, I've had the help of numerous linux-users using the irc channel kubuntu...

    Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

    don't know.
    i have no issues whatsoever.
    most reliable, stable, useable operating system ever.
    but i know it can be frustrating...

    Originally posted by philippon
    Does anyone have the solution to at least one of my problems I would be very greatful...
    you could start by telling us the details of your system.
    cpu, mem size, discs type and size, graphics card, network card...the lot.
    then, since nothing works, we'll have to tackle one issue at a time...
    also, for a newbie, gnome based ubuntu may be easier than kde based ubuntu.

    but let's see...
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

      The keyboard and/or mouse not working would be my first target. Is there anything special about the mouse and keyboard? Have you tried others. My usb mouse and keyboard have been temperamental with upgrades. You have a lot of problems, did the installation go smooth?

      Kubuntu works great! it is just not fed to you with a silver spoon. I am a recent convert, so I know what you are going through. There is some frustrating times ahead of you, but there are rewards also. Hang in there.
      FKA: tanderson


        Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

        Both my mouse and keyboard are made by Microsoft, but I tried with a different mouse, not with another keyboard though. The only thing that seemed to make it a bit better was when I put an adapter on the USB mouse, but the problems with my keyboard remains...


          Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

          try the live cds before venturing into installation and troubles.
          have a go with the (gnome based) ubuntu live cd.
          ubuntu is often more reliable than kubuntu.
          although the os is the same and blah blah blah, the packaging is different...and you never know.
          if you can get gnome going, you can still easily install kde later.
          and try the LTS (long term support) versions as well as the latest feisty 7.04.

          if the live cds don't work, then it's difficult (although in principles not impossible) the get a working system.

          gnu/linux is not windoze


            Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

            More important, what's the type of mother board, processor, memory and graphics card you use?
            Microsoft makes some wide spread junk but their mice and keyboards are the exception!


              Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

              I don't remember where I saw the posts here or Ubuntu forum. But their is a bug in the kernel that effects USB. Some keyboards & mouse or both. Some having problems with hubs, modems some with anything USB. Others may not have issues at all. The post said it has been reported to Launchpad. Myself I am having trouble with my USB mouse only. It will work for hours than just stops. So I found one of my old PS/2 mouse and use that when the USB stops working. I use both Kubuntu / Ubuntu Feisty same problem on both. I don't have these issues in Edgy or Dapper. I will go and find that post I saw. And post it here.

              Registered Linux User #418555<br />Kubuntu User #9254<br /><br />aptosid 2010-01 Xfce / aptosid 2010-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Wheezy Xfce / Kubuntu 10.04<br />aptosid 2011-01 Xfce / aptosid 2011-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Testing Gnome<br />Debian Sid Gnome<br />Epidemic 3.2<br />ALL pulseaudio free by default


                Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

                I have a staples brand hub that does not work at all with kubuntu, but if I plug the usb devices directly into the port they work fine for me. I have a microsoft wireless usb keyboard and a microsoft usb keyboard and they both work flawlessly for me. If you are using a hub I would suspect that.


                  Re: Does anything work in Kubuntu?

                  After you installed Kubuntu, did you open Adept Manager and do a complete upgrade? If you did not, that may be why you have such a variety of problems. If you didn't do that, do it now. You may see your problems reduced to a workable amount. Then use people smarter than me to help you finish.

