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Trying to update Thunderbird in Kubuntu............new to all this and wonder if someone can tell me how to install this version.........at the moment it is sitting on the desktop as a tar.gz file but not sure what to do with it now
SheeEttin: Absolutely true, though in this case I would suspect strayaway has installed Thunderbird from the repos and wishes to upgrade to 2.0.
strayaway: Is there a new feature in 2.0 that you absolutely need to continue living? Or is there a bug so bad in 1.5 that you've only survived this far by gnawing your keyboard to shreds? If not, then I suggest you wait until it becomes available in the repos.
Just finding my way around...........installed the T/Bird 1.5 that was available to me via Kubuntu's Add/Remove progs I think (still don't know me repositories from me packages and all the other terminology I'm afraid) but as I had been using T/Bird 2 on my windows machine and as the Mozilla site said it was suitable for Linux, I downloaded it.......... but then had no idea how to install downloaded software in Kubuntu...........wont die without it for sure but there are some nice little refinements in T/Bird 2
Well, you certainly can install it from a tgz, but you'll need the "alien" package. (We'll also be using the command line, so I hope you're comfortable with that.)
Anyway, once you've got alien, you can convert the tgz into a deb with the command "alien -d [archive].tar.gz". You can include the installation and other scripts with the -c option, and alien can execute the installer for you with -i.
Many thanks for replies but having looked at both methods, I realize how 'green' I am and will stick with t/bird 1.5 for the moment .............he who runs away, lives to fight another day ...........thats my story and I'm sticking to it