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Beryl Issue

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    Re: Beryl Issue

    Steve, install JUST nvidia-glx-new and no other nvidia-xxx packages, and then restart xserver with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. If you see the Nvidia splash screen before the login screen, then that's good. Next, you want to run (in a konsole)
    sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite
    and restart the xserver again.

    Now, in a konsole window run
    sudo nvidia-settings
    , set your resolution and refresh rates as you want them, click "Save to X config file" and then click "save" in the little window, and you should be in good shape after you start the xserver the next time.


      Re: Beryl Issue

      Hi dibl,
      I did what you advised.I selected nvidia-glx-new using Adept-Manager,it was installed and then I logged out.When I got to the login-screen,I hit left Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to re-start the Xserver but the nvidia-logo did not show up!So I did a restart from the login-screen to see if that would help.
      So after the Kubuntu splash screen had finished,I was hoping the nvidia logo would show up,but it didn't that time again either!

      So I guess I'm scrathing my head a little here



        Re: Beryl Issue

        Interesting. I would remove nvidia-glx-new and try the Envy installer.


          Re: Beryl Issue

          Hi dibl,
          Here's what I did.First off ,I went to Adept-Manager and selected nvidia-glx-new to be removed and selected apply changes.After that was done,I installed the dependencies that envy needed and then installed envy itself.

          I then logged out,pressed left Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get basic console.After giving my username&password,I typed in sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop.After kdm stopped,I ran envy -t and followed the prompts.

          After envy asked me if I wanted to re-start the xserver,I pressed y and hey presto! the nvidia logo showed up!



            Re: Beryl Issue

            Hey, this sounds promising!

            Give it
            sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite
            and see what happens.

            If that works, try
            sudo nvidia-settings


              Re: Beryl Issue

              Hi dibl,
              I've followed your advice,I ran sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite in konsole and it had written that option to my xorg.conf.I thenlogged out,pressed left Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to re-startx and logged in again.

              I then ran sudo nvidia-settings in konsole and got this output,although nvidia-settings panel showed up:
              steve@x1-6-00-c9-00-02-c6-36:~$ sudo nvidia-settings
              ERROR: Cannot open display 'x1-6-00-c9-00-02-c6-36:0.0'.
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute DigitalVibrance specified on line 19 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute ImageSharpening specified on line 20 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute SyncToVBlank specified on line 21 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute AllowFlipping specified on line 22 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute LogAniso specified on line 23 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute FSAA specified on line 24 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute TextureSharpen specified on line 25 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute ForceGenericCpu specified on line 26 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute GammaCorrectedAALines specified on line 27 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute CursorShadow specified on line 28 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute CursorShadowXOffset specified on line 29 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute CursorShadowYOffset specified on line 30 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute CursorShadowAlpha specified on line 31 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute CursorShadowRed specified on line 32 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute CursorShadowGreen specified on line 33 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute CursorShadowBlue specified on line 34 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute FSAAAppControlled specified on line 35 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute LogAnisoAppControlled specified on line 36 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute RedBrightness specified on line 37 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute GreenBrightness specified on line 38 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute BlueBrightness specified on line 39 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute RedContrast specified on line 40 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute GreenContrast specified on line 41 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute BlueContrast specified on line 42 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute RedGamma specified on line 43 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute GreenGamma specified on line 44 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute BlueGamma specified on line 45 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute OpenGLImageSettings specified on line 46 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute XVideoTextureSyncToVBlank specified on line 47 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute XVideoBlitterSyncToVBlank specified on line 48 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              ERROR: Unable to assign attribute XVideoSyncToDisplay specified on line 49 of configuration file '/home/steve/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display connection).
              X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
               Major opcode: 147
               Minor opcode: 3
               Resource id: 0x0
              Failed to open device
              X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
               Major opcode: 147
               Minor opcode: 3
               Resource id: 0x0
              Failed to open device


                Re: Beryl Issue

                Interesting -- OK, if the Nvidia panel showed up, can you click on X Display Configure (or something like that, near the top of the menus) and then there is a panel that will let you "detect monitor"? This is the same panel that lets you set resolution and refresh rate.

                I think the remaining problem has to do with detecting and configuring the monitor itself -- it looks like you have the Nvidia driver installed correctly.


                  Re: Beryl Issue

                  Hi dibl,
                  Now I have my nvidia driver set-up fine now,what would be the best way of setting up Beryl?


                    Re: Beryl Issue

                    Did you run
                    sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite

                    If yes, then you are ready to install Beryl. Open Adept, and select the two packages "Beryl" and "Beryl Manager" for installation. Click "Apply".

                    When it is finished, close Adept.

                    Open a konsole. Type
                    You should see a checking function happen, in which beryl checks the glx and composite settings. If it is happy, then type
                    and it should run the program and put a red icon on your taskbar.

                    If you get that far, then you set the window decorator and window manager by right-clicking on the icon.


                      Re: Beryl Issue

                      Hi dibl,
                      I've installed beryl and beryl-manager using Adept-Manager and ran beryl form konsole.
                      It ran through it's compatibilty-check but it just froze at reloading options and the no title-bar reared it's ugly head again!



                        Re: Beryl Issue

                        OK, I think it must be 2 a.m. in Birmingham, but if you want, can you right-click the icon on your taskbar, and get a menu? If yes, then click "select window decorator" and choose "Emerald" -- it may say "Standard Beryl Decorator".


                          Re: Beryl Issue

                          Hi dibl,
                          when I ran beryl from konsole,the beryl icon didn't show up.I selected beryl-manager from the system menu and the icon then appeared.I checked that both the window manager was beryl and the window decorator is emerald.

                          Interestingly,when I chose quit on the icon,it disappeared,then I selected konsole from the system menu,and the beryl effects are still running



                            Re: Beryl Issue

                            Yep, when I select "Quit" from the Beryl Manager menu, the icon disappears and the cube keeps running.

                            Sounds like it is working, more or less -- that's good to hear! You'll need some skydome background -- I'll see if I can find the site where I found mine.


                              Re: Beryl Issue

                              Hi dibl,
                              I've just ran beryl-manager form konsole,it went through it's compatibility check and hey presto!! it's working great .I'm getting the icon in the taskbar and the fluid-effects are very fast.

                              Thank you very much to everybody who has helped me through this.



                                Re: Beryl Issue

                                Originally posted by STEVE555
                                Thank you very much to everybody who has helped me through this.
                                You are welcome, Steve -- enjoy! 8)

