I was wondering if someone could actually watch this online movie.
When surfing to this site:
You'll see two windows :P (sorry for the name convention
When I click on the ones on the left side, I'm able to watch them.
But clicking on the right side (Full movie, stage6), both (Konqueror & FireFox) just stall, because I think I don't have the correct plugins installed.
If someone can actually watch the full movie (the one by Stage6)......I was wondering what plugins you have installed and where to get them.
When surfing to this site:
You'll see two windows :P (sorry for the name convention

When I click on the ones on the left side, I'm able to watch them.
But clicking on the right side (Full movie, stage6), both (Konqueror & FireFox) just stall, because I think I don't have the correct plugins installed.
If someone can actually watch the full movie (the one by Stage6)......I was wondering what plugins you have installed and where to get them.