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K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

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    K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

    I just made 2 coasters trying to burn a Knoppix ISO image with K3b -- when did they break it again? It worked a month ago, which I think was when Feisty was released. It looks like a problem with libata translation of my IDE/ATA CD/DVD drive to a SATA device -- I see Launchpad reports similar to what happened on mine.

    By the way, Brasero still works great (on a different Linux platform)....

    Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

    I burned Gparted and partedmagic ISOs a few days ago. Worked fine for me.

    This was to a CD-RW (the same one, in fact), if it makes any difference.

    Oh, by the way, my ATA CD (burner) drive is still /dev/hda, while my SATA DVD (burner) is /dev/scd0.
    For external use only.


      Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

      Yeah, I was in the middle of burning one; or so it said, after an update, and kaput. The whole machine belched, K3B locked; not even xkill killed it, and it forced a reboot.

      THEN it said my file system was hosed and force ran fsck. It rebooted and repeated this thrice. Once it booted to the log in screen, I logged in and it said 'there is no 'ksomething' configuration found, please install it.' So I rebooted, and made it to KDE.

      Fired up K3B and it said 'DMA is disabled for devices, enabling it will make it go faster' so I was kinda stumped with that. I exited it and mounted a blank DVR, fired K3B and it said 'the device is ATAPI and not supported' WHAT?!?!?! LOL!

      Rebooted 'cause the drive would not give up the disk, then both drives quit mounting disks. I reinstalled Feisty, and after the updates I tried to burn another DVD, and the EXACT same thing happened.

      I reinstalled the OS, did updates, and am using Gnome Baker at the moment.
      Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


        Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

        Worked for me, yesterday. Burned KDE 4.0 test platform yesterday and it worked a treat...


          Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

          Just copied the new Mandriva Free 2007 Spring disc to test out k3b. All seems well but this is a ide dvd burner and a dvd+r disc.

          Just for the info.
          ~$sudo make me a sandwich


            Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

            Yeah, just shows how different machines can have different results. ppffsstt.. I've built machines from the same parts, same lot, same day, all act a tad different. i.e. One didn't enable sound, one missed the video card.. blah blah.

            Here's one I posted here. I have a tower of Fuji disks that do not burn in my drive at all. The Maxell's work everytime though. ROFL!! So, the XP machines get Fuji disks, and the Linux machine uses Maxell to burn DVD's. Go figure eh?
            Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


              Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

              I just burned the Edubuntu Server and Add-on yesterday. And a while ago, I backed up my MP3s. Seems to be working without any problems.
              Dax Solomon Umaming<br />


                Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

                I burned a Knoppix 5.1.1. iso image the day before yesterday on my old HP CD Burner. Never worked better.


                  Re: K3b -- Anyone burn a CD lately?

                  Originally posted by SheeEttin
                  Oh, by the way, my ATA CD (burner) drive is still /dev/hda, while my SATA DVD (burner) is /dev/scd0.
                  Hmmmm, my ATA CD/DVD drive shows up as /dev/scd0 in /etc/fstab. I think I'll try changing it to /hda and see what happens with K3b. One thing that will happen for sure is VMWare Player will break, unless I change it too ....

