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Adept question

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    Adept question

    I'm trying to understand Adept better. Maybe you can help. I want to install a vncviewer on my new 7.04 kubuntu install. I cannot find it in the package manager. So I search the ubuntu repository on-line and find 4 or more options. I'm trying to understand why I don't see them in Adept. I can't see anyway to configure repositories.

    Any thoughts on what's going on?


    'a turtle on the information highway since 1989'

    Re: Adept question

    In their infinite wisdom, the Kubuntu devs decided to split Adept into two parts. The obvious one located in an easy-to-reach place on the K menu is a stripped-down, limited-selection app called Adept Installer (or, just to obfuscate further, Add/Remove Programs). The full one is called Adept Manager and can also be found in the K menu, but under System.

    Alternatively (or possibly additionally) you may need to tell Adept some more places to look, by checking lots of boxes in "Manage Repositories". What this really does is edits a file called /etc/apt/sources.list which (as the name suggests) lists all the sources of packages you want available.

    Hope this helps


      Re: Adept question

      Ah, there it is!

      Thanks for the help

      'a turtle on the information highway since 1989'

