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Very slow system issues

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    Very slow system issues

    Today I did an update that Adept indicated was available. It installed Firefox 2.0.4 and a new version of wine. Everything seemed to go OK so I don't think that was the issue. Shortly after this I did a Goggle for a device code for a TV I'm trying to get onto a universal remote. One of the likely looking sites suddenly became a new window that was running some malware check thing. I killed that window and Firefox seemed to be running this malware software anyway. I killed Firefox (clicked the X) and got a warning message something like - if your system is running slow then let this malware checker run. I killed that window also and then did a restart. I am now finding that I am having huge problems with Gimp handling jpeg files. It is very, very slow and seems to trash files when I save them. Has anyone else seen this occur?

    I did a reinstall of Gimp and it didn't help at all.
    An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.

    Re: Very slow system issues

    no, but interesting...

    you could start by firing up the "system performance monitor" and keep an eye on the "command column.
    then start your gimp and check that the path of the executed command actually is /usr/bin/gimp.
    and not, for instance, /home/your_user/bin/gimp.

    gnu/linux is not windoze

