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system freeze

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    system freeze


    I'm relatively new to kubuntu and since a day or two my system freezes completely when using anything related to multimedia (amarok, kaffeine etc etc).

    This only started to happen a day ago. In windows xp I have no trouble at all so I'm guessing it is a kubuntu problem. I've searched for a solution but nothing seems to help.

    system amd x2 4200
    2 gig ram
    nvidia fx7900

    kernel: 2.6.20-16-generic (32 bit)

    disabling beryl doesn't change anything.
    as long as I stay away from music or video all seems fine

    Any suggestions? I hate having to use windows xp again but kubuntu is unusable right now

    Re: system freeze

    does the system behave the same way with the old(er) kernel?
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: system freeze

      The strange thing is I haven't done anything to the install. I havent updated anything between everything working fine and all helll brooke loose. I was worried that there was a hardware problem that was causing this but after two hours of shooting the crap out of people with halflife under windows xp I'm pretty sure my pc's memory is fine. I also had some music software running for an hour or two under windows which heavely uses the same disk my Kubuntu is on so I do not believe it's a problem with the harddrive either.

      I haven't got a clue if an older kernel would behave better. This one was working just fine untill a day or two a go. This is realy irritating because I have a lot of software and data under Kubuntu so I'm not realy happy about having to install kubuntu fresh. Haven't got 100 gig of free space to move all my data to either. Moving a large amount of data with the not realy stable ext2/3 driver for windows is not something I'm looking forward to either. Maybe I should play it save and install edgy and just wait until feisty matures. Never had any troubly with edgy other then installing beryl was a major pain in the *(**&^%

      Hope someone has a tip to get feisty working again on my system.


        Re: system freeze

        sorry...since over the past days a new kernel was on the updater list,
        i thought you had run the update...

        nevertheless, you may want to try (from a konsole):
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install --fix-broken
        and see if anything gets installed and if anything changes.
        gnu/linux is not windoze


          Re: system freeze

          Just did a fresh install of feisty. Now it freezes even faster and not just with using multimedia. Twice happened while using adept. I'm giving up on feisty. Going to download edgy again and give that a try since I had no problems in edgy. If that doesn't solve the problem I'm stuck with windows.

          I realy liked kubuntu and linux in general but I have work to do and can't afford the 3 days I have spend so far trying to solve this problem. I've tried to find some answers on the net but it looks like there are a lot of ways to freeze kubuntu and no real solutions could be found. If all should go wrong.... is there a way to remove grub from my sytem so I can re-format the ext3 partition to ntfs again?

          I have feisty running in vmware player under windows so I'll use that to toy around. No beryl :-)



            Re: system freeze

            the latest kernel seems to have caused quite a bit of troubles to many people.
            have a go with the live cds, so that you don't have to waste time installing every time.
            and, yeah, perhaps avoid beryl on production systems

            gnu/linux is not windoze


              Re: system freeze

              Live cd's only get you so far. I had edgy running and installed windows xp in vurtual box so I could do some development work. Almost never rebooted into windows xp. When feisty came out I upgraded, fresh install, and was pleased with it untill a few days a go. Really bugs me that I can not pinpoint wat is causing the freezes. Might be the new kernel. If edgy runs as it should I will know for sure.

              Gonna install edgy tonight and give it one more go :-) Just hooked on Kubuntu and feeling the withdrawl allready


                Re: system freeze

                Well..... installed dappar and as soon as I installed mp3 codec(xine) the freezes came back again with a vengeance. There must be something wrong with a piece of hardware that doesn't cause problems under windows. I just wish I could find out what it is. Changing distros won't help if it's a hardware problem. I'm stuck using windows I guess.

                I'll give linux a try again when I have the money to buy a new pc.

                Thanx for the advise.


