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Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

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    Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

    On Windows, I used Rocket Dock.

    Since using Linux, I am finding it impossible to find a decent dock. Rocket dock worked great, installed fine, did exactly what I wanted. I just want a dock, that I can move to different sides of the screen (I prefer top, so I can keep kicker), that I can add icons to that will launch my favorite apps and games. I am incredibly surprised that docks (and widgets/desklets for that matter) are so deficient on Linux! I mean, sure there are some very interesting ideas, such as Kiba-dock. Gravity, physics, etc...

    But so far, I have failed to find an acceptable dock that will actually install properly. I have kooldock running, but it only sits on the bottom, and I only keep it to launch K control center easily. I have been trying to install kxdocker, but the package that comes from Adept doesn't seem to work, and I cannot find a download for the new 1.x.x version anywhere, as it seems to have been discontinued because of their new, alpha program that doesn't work yet.

    Frankly, I had thought I would have an easier time of finding even better docks or desklets on Linux. What's up? I thought the Linux community would be way ahead! Can anyone suggest a GOOD dock, that will just simply launch apps? Hopefully with a drag 'n drop method of adding new icons.

    Maybe someone can suggest good desklets? I am running SuperKaramba, but am not impressed with the selection of Themes. I'm sure I'll get around to writing my own themes sometime, but I would still like to know if anyone knows of any really good ones. I had a hell of a time setting up a few simple ones - just dual core monitor, just ram, just wifi, etc. I don't like nor want those giant 1/4 screen affairs that display everything from the kernel you are running, to a half hour cpu usage, to your grandmother's bowel movements. For example: I have seen, from windows selection in the past, something like a large icon of a Hard Drive, and it displays what it is monitoring (Like my entire Linux partition), and how much space has been used. That's what I need... but I can't seem to find anything so simple, just complex affairs.

    Any suggestions or reviews of things that you guys like and use? Maybe we can start a list of everyone's favorite widgets/desklets.

    Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

    it wasn't hard for me to find one when i switched to kubuntu. i had the exact opposite experience as you apparently. i went to kde-apps and looked for docks, and tried a bunch of different ones until i found the best one (imo): KSmoothDock. there is a deb package for kubuntu on the download page.

    btw, its one of the few (only? other than kiba, which i don't like) that is being actively developed.
    <br />


      Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

      I have failed to find an acceptable dock that will actually install properly
      I don't understand why did you switch to Linux? If you want to get things working by double-clicking and pressing Next, Next, Next, Next, then you should have sticked to Windows. You will suffer a lot indeed trying to install the great apps the Linux has, that's how we all start, entire nights up in front of your screen...

      Kiba-dock is great, there are very different ways to install it; some easier, some more difficult. As you said you didn't pass the installation part I guess you really didn't tried all the options it has, far superior to Rocket Dock, as I've seen in the presenting video. Maybe you can watch it work in You Tube, surely combined with Beryl...

      And that's the greatness of open source, you can always modify it yourself, or if you are not a coder, you can always visit the forums, make suggestions and see them get implemented... that happens, you just have to get involved. Good luck.


        Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

        I made the switch to Linux because Windows sucks. Viruses, unexplained and apparently immortal errors, unconfigurability, etc...

        Believe me, I know Linux is not always just "point and click". I spent 3 days just getting it running, and another week getting things running smoothly - wifi, 3D acceleration, etc.

        3D acceleration is actually a reason I didn't try very hard to do kiba-dock. From my understanding, it requires Beryl. My ATI card has a lot of trouble with Beryl - I spent days but finally got Beryl working. However it is still a little buggy with fglrx and xgl. So I can run Beryl to impress my friends, but it is too unstable with my card for practical everyday use.

        I've spent a lot of time getting Linux running how I want, working smoothly, and improving and configuring it's looks to suit me. Believe me, I'm not frightened by the workarounds and learning it takes to use. I am simply a little dumbfounded that a good dock is not around that is both easy to use AND easy to install. Some programs have been made incredibly easy to install under Linux - I am just surprised that a dock is not one of them..

        KSmoothDock is one I am looking at, btw. I'll let you know if I get it up and running....


          Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

          Kiba-dock is in the repositories mentioned in the wiki of That version is pretty stable. The SVN version is quite buggy, but it has some improvements.

          I spent like a week trying to set-up Beryl also, I tried many tutorials and reinstalled like 5 times (before having settled up in linux...). I finally got it working with XGL and fglrx, I have an ATI card, like you. This was about three months ago.

          A week ago I tried switching to AIGLX + Beryl, which is the way it is supposed to be run with an ATI card. In AIGLX you don't have to create a different session, you use the normal kde session and you can disable Beryl at any time and still have a usable system (you might have realized that with XGL it isn't possible unless you logout and re-login in your normal KDE session). It is "the way to be run" because it comes integrated in Xorg. XGL was needed when X didn't support compositing.
          The performance now is the same. Maybe you can try this and really make use of Beryl, which is pretty useful, not only eye candy.



            Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

            Had the opposite experience with Beryl but my Display Adapter is Nvidia. Yes I agree about the Dock. I feel by default that they should have a Dock that is by nature a "show off". Not because I like "Eye Candy" (hate that expression too), I just figured that was something a Desktop environment outside of M$ would have. I can say, that I've grown to like what is offered and have never really looked for anything else, but I have seen screen shots of Desktops that have pretty cool looking Docks. They probably did have one of the above mentioned. Just keep looking. I did for Karamba stuff and now have a very nice info applet. They same can happen for your Dock.


              Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

              Just installed ksmoothdock for kubuntu. Downloaded the deb package.:

              Right click on the package and use kubuntu packagemanager to install. It took 5min from download to have it configured the way I wanted it.
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

                I love KDE-Look. Great stuff!! Downloaded that and playing with it now. Thanks, Fintan!


                  Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

                  hey, I'M the one that told you guys about it! lol
                  ah, it doesn't matter who does, as long as the word gets out...
                  <br />


                    Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

                    Okay, I'll get on my knees before you I just wanted to prove that it is doable. Still waiting for kde4

                    Cheers all
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

                      hey, I'M the one that told you guys about it! lol
                      ah, it doesn't matter who does, as long as the word gets out...
                      Oh!!Sorry. Didn't really see that there. Yes you did .

                      Great dock by the way. I like that.

                      Fintan - Will KDE4 have "improved" docking?


                        Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

                        I have found that it doesn't "look" nice when under Beryl. No biggie, as I only use Beryl to "WoW" people. Is it safe to use that expression? Using it now anyway. I'm loving my Desktop each and every day!! I agree with Fintan, KDE4 can only get better!!


                          Re: Why is it SO hard to find a decent dock/desklet?

                          if you guys wanna try it out, get the kde4 live cd like i did.
                          <br />

