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How to adjust new KDE Kickoff menu settings?

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    How to adjust new KDE Kickoff menu settings?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a brand new Kubuntu user, but have been using Ubuntu for some time now (and am loving both!) After trying the newest openSuse 10.2 LiveDVD, I was really impressed with the new KDE menu, and after some digging around found out that it was possible to download it for Kubuntu here:

    I've got it working great, except for 2 things... the first is that even though my /home partition is mounting fine in kubuntu, when I try to access it from Kickoff -> My Computer -> 'Documents' (which shows it mounted at /home) I get an error message "The file or folder /media/hda5 does not exist" which is so weird... So is there some sort of way to access the Kickoff 'configuration' files to change where that shortcut points? Because the partition is accessible from media:/hda5 and /home...

    Second thing, relating to the first, is that I'd like to change some of the icons (the Trash, for example) on the Kickoff menu... any idea how I can do this?

    Thanks in advance!