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KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

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    KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

    Greetings, everyone,

    I hope I'm in the right place for this query - if not please kindly redirect me.

    I recently installed Automatix 2 and through it installed all the "KDE Extras". I was looking forward to playing around with some new themes, icons etc. However, when I go to System Settings>Appearance>KDM Theme Manager, I'm informed that root access is required, and to click the "Administrator Mode" button to allow modifications. The problem is that there is no "Administrator Mode" button visible. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and downloaded the package files ( ./configure, ./make, ./make install, etc.) for KDM Theme Manager, all to no avail. Screenshot is attached. Any ideas on this one? I've been using KDE for quite a while now and this is the first time I've run across this type of thing. As always, thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Attached Files

    Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

    Have you tried to install 'kdmtheme' package straight from the repositories with Adept (it's in the 'universe' repository)?


      Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

      Right click the panel....left click configure panel.....when window pops up click menus...check the one for settings then press apply...close however you want...

      You'll now have a new menu item in the K-menu called "Settings". to configure KDM Theme simple go to:

      K-menu>Settings>System Administrations>KDM Theme Manager

      You should have no problems getting it going then. Just a quick work around for anyone that doesn't know about it. You'll also notice a few more ways to configure things. Enjoy!


        Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

        Ah yes, looks like systemsettings specific issue, one more reason to use kcontrol instead :P


          Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

          That's a known bug with System Settings. We couldn't trace the cause of it (since putting kdmtheme at the top level of system settings, rather than in a subgroup, works) before Feisty was released.

          Maybe we'll have better luck this time...
          Jucato's Data Core


            Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

            Hey, everyone,

            Luc's suggestion did the trick - thanks, Luc! FWIW, using the themes that came with the "extras" from Automatix really didn't change anything other than the splash screen. I'm going to download some other themes and play around with it, and check out some of the other forum entries regarding themes. Seems like back in KDE 2.* days I was able to do this a lot more easily (I was playing with Slackware then and building distros from scratch and have already forgotten most of my old tricks).

            Not to get off topic here, but it seems like Automatix hosed a bunch of my settings after I used it. I had to completely re-write my fstab and it messed with some of my grub settings as well. I am more of a 'hands-on' kind of guy and prefer working with packages (Adept or Synaptic is also fine for me). I'm losing Automatix.

            Thanks, as always, for the helpful suggestions and prompt replies.

            Cheers, Rob


              Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"


              I've been playing around with Kcontrol and have come to the conclusion that the Theme manager under System Settings basically doesn't do much of anything, as near as I can tell. If anyone has any evidence to the contrary please let me know...



                Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

                Originally posted by Itazura
                I've been playing around with Kcontrol and have come to the conclusion that the Theme manager under System Settings basically doesn't do much of anything, as near as I can tell. If anyone has any evidence to the contrary please let me know...
                I tested the kdm theme manager under kcontrol and it seems to work for me.

                Did you try logging out to see if the login dialog changed? And which theme were you using?

                EDIT: Or did you mean the kde theme manager? (the one that changes kde appearance)


                  Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

                  For a bit of clarification:


                  Short answer: KDM Theme Manager is just a Login screen theme manager. It just allows you to add, remove, disable, and enable KDM/Login screen themes. Nothing more, nothing less.
                  Jucato's Data Core


                    Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"


                    Thanks for the clarification - it eliminates some needless banging of my head against the screen.



                      Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

                      Little off topic; But for those that don't know a place to look for customizations for KDE you can have a look at:


                      Kind of a nice one stop place for Color schemes, Boot splashes, wallpaper, KDM themes, and more.


                        Re: KDM Theme Manager - no "Administrator Mode"

                        I just had this problem too. Thanks for the info Luc. Dang bugs XD.

                        I dont understand why isn't KDM Theme Manager installed by default with Kubuntu. I think it should be, considering GNOME Login Manager appears to be the equivalent and it comes with Ubuntu....

