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gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

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    gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

    I'm using feisty amd_64.
    I installed gftp using apt-get
    when I run gftp I get
    Error: Can't find gFTP binaries installed in /usr/bin
    ldd gftp
    ldd: ./gftp: No such file or directory
    tim@bart:~/prj$ which gftp
    tim@bart:~/prj$ file gftp
    gftp: ERROR: cannot open `gftp' (No such file or directory)
    If someone has a fix for this, I would appreciate it. From what I am seeing, I would
    bet that gftp is 32-bit and is attempting to link to 64 bit shared objects.
    If there is no fix, can anyone recommend a ftp client that will work on
    64 - bit ubuntu?
    I have fireFTP, but since I am a web programmer with many ftp sites to connect to
    I would need something that is
    1)Capable of arranging sites into folders
    2)Independent of firefox. I love firefox, but upgrades of firefox
    have outdated some tools in the past.

    Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

    Konqueror works as an FTP client (and SFTP, and goodness knows what else as well).


      Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

      Originally posted by JamesM
      Konqueror works as an FTP client (and SFTP, and goodness knows what else as well).
      I know. So does krusader and Midnight Commander. I use MC all the time for
      simple FTP, I haven't used konqueror for that purpose tho'.

      I'd like something that allows me to arrange FTP bookmarks in a hierarchy (folders),
      just as you can arrange bookmarks in a browser into folders.
      That would make things easier for me. Both gftp and IglooFTPpro can do that, but neither
      will work on my OS and I believe that in both cases it is a 64-bit vs 32-bit problem
      Can Koqueror arrange ftp sites(bookmarks) into folders? I know it can for http bookmarks,
      of course.

      Anyway, I will check it out for that feature, in the meantime, I welcome any other
      comments or recommendations.



        Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

        Probably. If it works like Firefox (and I think they drew on Firefox when writing Konqueror somewhat heavily), then bookmarks are just used as bookmarks, and whatever the URL is in the bookmark, it just loads that in the browser.

        You may want to read up a bit on encoding the user name/password into the URL. Wikipedia has a short section you can use to this end here.
        For external use only.


          Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

          Create split window:
          view->split view->left/right
          Then on one window
          settings->configure view profiles and put in a name for that configuration.
          To recall
          Settings->Load View Profile
          Easy: but
          1)Is there a way to store the password?
          be real handy as in gftp and igloo
          2)Can the profiles be placed into some sort of a hierarchy?
          I.E. put a set of profiles underneath a "super-profile"?


            Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

            I'd suggest putting the URL into a bookmark, which you can place into folders as needed. (If you want to place the user name/password in each bookmark, you can, but I wouldn't recommend it from a security standpoint.)
            (By the way, Konqueror profiles can be loaded by executing "konqueror --profile [profile]". You can add an entry into your K menu or wherever, give it an appropriate name, and open this instead of Konqueror and then selecting the profile you want.)

            I'm not entirely clear on the concept of "profiles" in Konqueror. I'd expect it to store an entirely different configuration for each profile, but I don't think that's what it does. (In fact, I haven't even been able to see a difference between profiles.)
            For external use only.


              Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

              Problem with that (I think) is there would be a url for the source and
              a url for the destination. But that is something one could get used to,
              I suppose.
              Example: (again, I think)
              ... etc


                Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

                Hmm... I'm not sure what you mean by a URL for the source.

                In any case, if you created a bookmark with the URL of All you'd need to do is click the bookmark to gain access to the FTP server (which is why you shouldn't include the user/pass for sensitive data).

                Wait, I think I know. If you mean for moving files from one FTP server to another, yes, you would need two; but for moving files from that FTP server to your local machine (or vice-versa) would only require the one.
                For external use only.


                  Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

                  I'm a web programmer and I do many more uploads than downloads....
                  What I meant by a URL for the source would be something like
                  file path actually - sorry to be so unclear


                    Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

                    You can bookmark ftp subpaths in konqueror if that's what you mean, like:

                    Like mentioned earlier, you can also create konqueror profiles for particular remote-folder/local-folder combinations (using the split view you can open them in a split window common to many ftp clients)


                      Re: gftp doesn't work - recommend ftp client?

                      Thanks. I'm going to go with kftpgrabber. It allows me to do
                      subcategories of bookmarks. I think that will work for me.
                      I appreciate all of the help that I got here.

