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KDE not functioning after downloading packages necessary for KPlayer

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    KDE not functioning after downloading packages necessary for KPlayer

    Hi, couple days ago I tried installing KPlayer (a multimedia player for KDE) on Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, and because it required some packages (forgot name...libart, and two more, but I ended up installing like 20 packages since some depended on some other packages) from debian packages website.

    However, after restarting X, I suddenly saw icons for my mounted drives on Desktop (just like gnome does) and, when I try to open *any* application from the panel, desktop crashes (no panel, etc) and the application does not launch. Furthermore, if I try to open Konsole, the background goes black (except applications that are already open) and I cannot type anything.

    I know that this is not an enough description because I don't know what packages I've installed recently since I cannot open Adept to see the log. However, I can still open Fail-Safe session at login screen to get terminal, so I can post information from files if it helps...

    I have a feeling that I updated a part of KDE but forgot to upgrade other necessary parts of KDE...

    Has this happened to anyone?

    Thanks in advance.

    Re: KDE not functioning after downloading packages necessary for KPlayer

    What you can do is go into the maintenance shell and execute "apt-get --fix-broken install" (it may require more parameters, see the error or the man page for more details) to make sure you've got all those packages installed.

    There's also another command, to make sure they were all configured properly. I think it's for dpkg and has the options --configure and -a, but I wouldn't trust my memory... If anyone knows the command, that'd be great. (You could also try searching the forum for it.)
    For external use only.

