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noatun crashes on startup - couldn't instanciate artsobject

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    noatun crashes on startup - couldn't instanciate artsobject

    just installed feisty; so far very smooth, but there's a problem with noatun or perhaps aRtsD. when i launch noatun i get this error:

    noatun: WARNING: Couldn't instanciate artsobject Noatun::Session. (This is normally caused by a broken package or compiling kdemultimedia in a --prefix different from arts. It may also be from two conflicting packages, so uninstall every arts/artsd package you have installed and try again.

    this makes sense but i don't know how to fix it. i'm migrating from suse so don't yet know the ins and outs of debian package management. synaptic tells me i have 'artsd', and also 'libarts1' ... if i try to deinstall anything, it wants to completely deinstall kde-desktop, which seems awfully drastic. any suggestions?

    ps - amarok, kaboodle, kaffeine, totem, and rhythmbox all work fine, as well as the embedded preview in konqueror. so it's just NoAtun! no big deal - i don't have strong feelings about that player vs anything else - but it's the kubuntu default.

    Re: noatun crashes on startup - couldn't instanciate artsobject

    the simplest thing that crops up is to try the following, in a konsole:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install --fix-broken
    you will first update the list of available packages (based on your current repositories)
    and then fix any packages that should be broken (for whatever reason)

    you can probably do the same thing in synaptic, but command line is simply faster.

    gnu/linux is not windoze

