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adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

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    adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

    i keep getting the following showing up when i click show details when trying to update or install things using adept:

    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
    Major opcode: 144
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
    Major opcode: 144
    Minor opcode: 3
    Resource id: 0x0
    Failed to open device

    that might not be the exact error, this also happens when I launch things from the command line and this is where i got this since the adept details window goes away when its finished updating. the problem being that it doesn't properly update, i get an error saying that it couldn't commit packages as it might break something etc.

    any suggestions??


    Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

    You have two unrelated issues. To get rid of those annoying "Error:BadDevice" entries, which are caused by your computer trying to use hardware it doesn't have, you must edit your xorg.conf file.

    kdesu kedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    If you don't have kedit installed you can use kate.

    Once you have the file open first, comment out the lines in the "Server Layout" section like this:

    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Default Layout"
    Screen "Default Screen" 0 0
    InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
    InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
    # InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
    # InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
    # InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

    Then find the following "Input Device" sections and comment out the whole section, including the "End Section" line.

    Save the file and close kedit.

    Now for your second problem. Run:
    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    and see if that fixes it.


      Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

      I think you have two problems, one of which is only a minor irritant, so just ignore the error messages. I get these, or similar, all the time, and everything still works. (But it would be nice if they were fixed!)

      To clear the problem that really matters, which is usually caused by packages that failed to install correctly, try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" in a terminal window. Then, just to be sure, try "ps ax | grep adept", followed by "sudo kill -9 nnnn" where nnn is the process ID of each instance of Adept that was found to be running. (Ignore the match that grep gives to the command you just entered, not that killing it would do any harm anyway as it will already have finished.)

      If that does not work, you may have to try reinstalling Adept via the command line. Being lazy, I have Synaptic installed for such occasions.

      By the way, my system (ADM64) has an annoying bug where only every second invocation of Adept works. I don't know if the problem is in Adept or possibly kdesu, but don't really care as it is still usable. But I thought you might want to know about that, just in case it does not work at the first attempt. It might at the second.....


        Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

        Oooops..... Simultaneous responses, or nearly so. I was still typing as Detonate posted. And, we seem to agree on the fix! So we must both be wrong..... (only kidding!)

        But thanks, Detonate, for the additional fix for those pesky error messages. I am going to try that now, as although it was not a problem, the system may as well be tidy.


          Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

          I don't know whose idea it was to add Wacom tablet entries by default, but I'd like to give them a kick in the shins. (There's a few other people who deserve kicks, but that's another story.)
          For external use only.


            Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

            Seconded! I guess that some developers have Wacom tablets, so they assume that everyone does.....

            I had no idea till now that they were the cause of spurious error messages, but I got really fed up with them constantly reappearing on every update.

            I don't, but I do have a Trust tablet that does not work with Wacom drivers. Some reverse engineering will be required, I think.

            But that is for another thread, another day.


              Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

              still getting errors but i suppose your right tiger99, best just to ignore them. i still don't like streams of error messages (possible exaggeration) appearing but sure. If it works, get on with it!


                Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

                The Wacom stuff is not for Wacom pen tablets, they are for tablet PC support. I gather that auto detection/auto configuration of these items are not well supported yet. I wonder if KDE could be patched to remove these messages, as they don't seem to occur in Gnome.


                  Re: adept working strangly! (or not for that matter!)

                  sorry, it seems it did the trick actually, i just had to restart! anyway, thanks very much for your help all!

