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Stop Kicker from automatically starting apps or switching back to Default WinMgr

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    Stop Kicker from automatically starting apps or switching back to Default WinMgr

    I opened another post about problems that I'm having when logging into Kubuntu. KDE comes up, I'm able to log in, Kicker starts, but because it starts the same applications ( a couple of Konsoles, KWeather, etc. ), it's also starting some application that switches into Beryl ( even though I thought I had uninstalled beryl via "apt-get remove beryl", and beryl manager, beryl settings, etc. ) as the desktop manager.

    My alternative question is, if something is trying to switch to Beryl, is there some way I can reset KDE to go back to the default Window Manager, because obviously it must've been using that one to get as far as the desktop and starting Kicker.

    Help...I don't want to have to reinstall, and go through the same hassle I did with getting my wireless to work again.

    Re: Stop Kicker from automatically starting apps or switching back to Default Wi

    [Alt][F2] kcmshell kcmsmserver > "Start with an empty session" (?)


      Re: Stop Kicker from automatically starting apps or switching back to Default Wi

      You can try to rename the .kde dir in your home to something different (like kde_bak). Log out and log in. KDE should be back to the default config.

      Now, you can copy individual files from the kde_bak dir to recover your apps settings. Most of the app related stuff is in ~/.kde/share/apps



        Re: Stop Kicker from automatically starting apps or switching back to Default Wi

        Gracias Javier, I will try that.

