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can't get konqueror to browse (not open in ark) tar/zip files

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    can't get konqueror to browse (not open in ark) tar/zip files

    On previous Linux distros I've used Konqueror was setup to browse tar and zip files as if they were directories when left clicked. I would like to enable this behavior, but I can't figure out the correct settings. If I specify a protocol in the path name, like "tar:/<path to zip file>" I do get the desired behavior.

    I've tried modifying settings under Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations, and selecting x-zip (for example) under the applications. Under the Embedding tab "Show file in embedded viewer" is already selected. However there is nothing in the Services Preference Order list, and none of the options under "Add" look like they would work.

    Obviously there is some way to do what I want because it works if I type in the protocol manually, but how can I get this to work with just a left click?

    Re: can't get konqueror to browse (not open in ark) tar/zip files

    How about Konqueror >Settings > Configure > Previews > "tar" ...?


      Re: can't get konqueror to browse (not open in ark) tar/zip files

      Yeah, I forgot to mention I already have tar and zip checked there too. Didn't help.


        Re: can't get konqueror to browse (not open in ark) tar/zip files

        Only need the last command. Ignore the first part.
        Jucato&#39;s Data Core


          Re: can't get konqueror to browse (not open in ark) tar/zip files

          Well, that got it so that the zip files appear along with folders in the left tree view, and clicking on them there browses them as I wanted. It still opens them directly in Ark if I click on them in the list view, but I can live with that.

