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Location of Konqueror icon

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    Location of Konqueror icon

    I'm looking for the Konqueror icon found in the upper right of Konqueror (the icon that indicates Koqueror is 'working'). Does anyone know what the Kubuntu devs called/placed this icon?

    Many thanks
    I like KDE. My only gtk apps are beryl/emerald.

    Re: Location of Konqueror icon

    Is this what you're looking for?: /usr/share/pixmaps/konqueror-16.xpm


      Re: Location of Konqueror icon

      No. Not quite. The default icon is the a little blue Kubuntu icon. I have found an icon that appears to be it in 16x16/apps but even if I replace it with a new new icon, it doesn't change the spinning icon in konqueror.
      I like KDE. My only gtk apps are beryl/emerald.


        Re: Location of Konqueror icon

        its prolly an animated gif, did you try replacing it with another type of image?
        <br />


          Re: Location of Konqueror icon

          I've only tried to replace it with the same image type, .png. In fact, I'm replacing it with the icon from the default icon theme.

          The issue is that my current icon theme changes that spinning icon and I can't find that icon anywhere in the icon theme folders. So that just tells me it defaults to the default (i could be wrong). So, in short, I just want the default kubuntu logo back in konqueror without losing my current icon them.
          I like KDE. My only gtk apps are beryl/emerald.


            Re: Location of Konqueror icon

            Hmm... interesting. I'm not sure it's an actual file or not, but the fact that it changes with your theme would suggest that...

            I suppose you could get the source and look up exactly where the image is taken from...
            For external use only.


              Re: Location of Konqueror icon

              if you know the name of the file, maybe its location is listed in the konquerorrc file. i'd tell you where it is, but i can't remember atm...
              <br />


                Re: Location of Konqueror icon

                The technical term for the image is a "throbber". Konqi's default throbber is located at /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/<size>/actions/ and the filename is kde.png. Your icon theme's would probably be in ~/.kde/share/icons/<icon_name>/<size>/

                It is not an animated GIF or even an animated PNG (or MNG). It's just a plain 22x330 PNG image.
                Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                  Re: Location of Konqueror icon

                  I know the Firefox one is referred to as the throbber, but I don't know if it's officially called that in Konqueror...
                  For external use only.


                    Re: Location of Konqueror icon

                    Ok. So I've managed to change the throbber image in my icon pack. But it's not animated. It's a png file. Is there anything special that I'm supposed to do to animate it? Or does it just need a white background? Currently, I've replaced them with transparent (don't know if that's the issue).

                    Thanks for the posts. I appreciate them.

                    I like KDE. My only gtk apps are beryl/emerald.


                      Re: Location of Konqueror icon

                      It doesn't like transparent backgrounds. Issues resolved.

                      Thanks everyone!
                      I like KDE. My only gtk apps are beryl/emerald.


                        Re: Location of Konqueror icon

                        Ok. So the issue wasn't really resolved as the image being used was wrong. In any case, the location of the default [Kubuntu's] Konqueror throbber is:

                        /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/icons/crystalsvg/[HxW]/actions/kde.png (where HxW are the different sized icons...

                        Now I'm a happy Konqueror user with a custom throbber. yay...
                        I like KDE. My only gtk apps are beryl/emerald.

