I'm a new convert to Kubuntu, and I was hoping to make kopete start without creating a taskbar entry. A few Google searches revealed that the proper way to do this would be by typing: kstart --skiptaskbar kopete but this doesn't work for me on Kubuntu 7.04/KDE 3.5.6. This is odd because the same command works as expected with kate or speedcrunch, etc. . . kopete just hates me I think.
Anyway if anyone has any suggestions, or can verify that this doesn't work for them either, I'd appreciate it!
I'm a new convert to Kubuntu, and I was hoping to make kopete start without creating a taskbar entry. A few Google searches revealed that the proper way to do this would be by typing: kstart --skiptaskbar kopete but this doesn't work for me on Kubuntu 7.04/KDE 3.5.6. This is odd because the same command works as expected with kate or speedcrunch, etc. . . kopete just hates me I think.

Anyway if anyone has any suggestions, or can verify that this doesn't work for them either, I'd appreciate it!