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Patch missing in KDE 3.5.7 [SOLVED]

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    Patch missing in KDE 3.5.7 [SOLVED]

    KDE 3.5.7 was released today, and I installed it right away of course. The problem is that suddenly a very nice feature disappeared, the ability to move a window to next screen using a keyboard shortcut (yes, I am running a dual monitor setup).
    I noticed that this feature was introduced with a patch on Xinerama, the patch is mentioned here:
    So apparently the Kubuntu team applied this patch to KDE 3.5.6, but forgot to add it to KDE 3.5.7. Can someone please explain to me why it was left out?

    Re: Patch missing in KDE 3.5.7

    How can I get in contact with the guys adding stuff to the repos? More specifically this repo:
    deb [url][/url] feisty main


      Re: Patch missing in KDE 3.5.7

      i doubt they "forgot" to apply the patch to 3.5.7. patches are applied when they are applied and they remain forever incorporated into future releases. think about that, if they had to apply every patch for a previous version to a new version...well, that'd just be stupid cuz you'd never get it done.
      <br />


        Re: Patch missing in KDE 3.5.7

        You probably just need to reassign the key combination.
        For external use only.


          Re: Patch missing in KDE 3.5.7

          Sorry guys, but you are both wrong in this case.

          I entered the IRC channel #kubuntu-devel and asked about it, and I got to talk to Riddell who said he didn't apply the patch for 3.5.7 because he did not have time.

          Anyways, Riddell guided me how to recompile kdelibs and kdebase with the xinerama patch, and now I am back on track again!

          The recompiled packages can be found at:


            Re: Patch missing in KDE 3.5.7

            Originally posted by disturbedite
            i doubt they "forgot" to apply the patch to 3.5.7. patches are applied when they are applied and they remain forever incorporated into future releases. think about that, if they had to apply every patch for a previous version to a new version...well, that'd just be stupid cuz you'd never get it done.
            Not exactly. You are mostly right, of course, but we are not talking about a KDE patch, but a Kubuntu patch to KDE.

            I mean, this patch is not part of the "upstream" KDE, but a Kubuntu personalization. Sources for "ubuntuntized" projects are keep as a complete copy of the original source, and a dir with the patches for "ubuntization".

            That way when a new "upstream" version is released, you just try to patch it with your personalizations, and change anything that doesn't apply clean.

            At least, that is the way adept is managed .


