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Changing color depth

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    Changing color depth

    Does anyone know of a graphical way to change the color depth in KDE from 32-bit to 16-bit? I know it's possible to do this with config files (but I don't want to), and I've been able to do this, I'm pretty sure, with the K Control Center in other distros, but since Kubuntu has its own System Settings program, this is not readily obvious. Any ideas?

    Re: Changing color depth

    i don't believe this is possible with kde, at least not yet. (and yes, you'd think at this stage it would be). there is a gnome utility being developed that can switch resolutions/refresh rates and i think maybe bit depth too. but the problem is, its only for gnome and does not work with kde. i forget the name of it...
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      Re: Changing color depth

      Originally posted by mkeller
      since Kubuntu has its own System Settings program
      Who cares? [Alt][F2] kcontrol :P


        Re: Changing color depth

        Thanks, I tried kcontrol, and it only has the same display options as System Settings. And disturbedite, is that Gnome utility you mentioned functional yet? Do you know what it's called? Because I've found that if you have the GTK libraries installed, just about any Gnome app works in KDE.


          Re: Changing color depth

          Unfortunately, the X server can't switch color depths on the fly.
          If you can't find a way to change it in System Settings, you can change it in your xorg.conf (which would appear to be the most accessible way, sorry).

          Open xorg.conf as root in your favorite editor (e.g. "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf") and scroll all the way to the bottom. You're looking for the "Screen" section, the third one up for me. Find the DefaultDepth line, and change the value to 16. Do the same for the "depth" line two or so lines below it. Save this and any open stuff, then hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Done. (Wasn't that bad, was it?)
          For external use only.


            Re: Changing color depth

            sorry for the late reply, but as i said before, it works but ONLY for gnome.

            and as SheeEttin said, x server can't change color depths on-the-fly unfortunately. that is definitely a drawback.
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