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KPPP in Kubuntu just doesn't work

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    KPPP in Kubuntu just doesn't work

    I tried and failed to get KPPP to work in Kubuntu 6.06 and thought v7.04 would be different. Nope, still didn't, so I gave up on Kubuntu and went to Mepis where it worked perfectly the first time. Even WvDial works in Mepis. The two OS's look almost identical (once you use the KDE theme) and Mepis comes with Synaptic PM (better than Adept) and Firefox I tend to think that when you throw money at Linux you just come up with an inferior product. I'm sure Kubuntu's funding far exceeds Mepis's and Mepis is a superior distro.

    Re: KPPP in Kubuntu just doesn't work

    I never had much success until I used wvdial. After that, something I changed in the configs allowed KPPP to work.
    wvdial works pretty well. It's intended to work with as many setups as possible and do as much error-correction as it can.

    This was way back on Dapper, though. Now that I've got cable Internet (and Feisty), everything works with minimal trouble. (Unless, of course, two computers get assigned the same IP address...)
    For external use only.


      Re: KPPP in Kubuntu just doesn't work

      Maybe mepis provides a driver not able to be included in Ubuntu. If it is a software modem, you may want to look here:

      Kubuntu has basically one dev, Jonathan Riddell, and Mepis has basically Warren, and both have pretty good user communities. I don't think Kubuntu has a whole lot of money thrown at it.

      As to Synaptic, it is nice, but Kubuntu's ideal is to only use QT/KDE apps. I find I use Adept much more often now actually. As to Firefox, my version here in feisty is It is not installed by default for the same reason Synaptic isn't. Plus Mepis is still uses Dapper as its base (though it builds its own version of KDE, but still only 3.5.4)

