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The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

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    The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

    Hello everyone

    i have Kubuntu 7.04, and i installed Citrix Client 10 i followed the instructions found for kubuntu to install it

    but now when i try to login to my work via citrix

    i get launch.asp

    so i select wfica to open it and i get an error

    "The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file. The name ( 'Adding logging functionality to Web Interface) is not allowed for a section."

    the only fix i found on google was for windows, but nothing for Linux

    any help would be appreciated


    Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

    What version of Kubuntu are you running

    x86 or amd64


      Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

      hi startman

      i'm running x86


        Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

        I know that before I could install Citrix Client, I had to install "libmotif3". Do you know if you have this installed?


          Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

          Hi MoonRise

          yes i installed Open motif, and all the needed libraries

          i followed the instructions to the letter, and made sure all the soft links exist

          i even removed it and re-installed it again, still no luck


            Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

            This is probably a silly question, but have you tried this in windoze

            The only reason I ask is because the error message states that it has received a corrupt ICA file.

            Is it possible that your citrix server has some special configuration??


              Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

              Hi Stratman

              on windows it works fine, no problems, ..only on linux (for me at least) it's not working


                Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

                OK, here's a question. How did you install? With ROOT permissions or as a normal user?


                  Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

                  Hi MoonRise

                  i installed it with root permissions, used sudo


                    Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

                    Hmmm. I've used Citric a long time both Windows and Linux. This one is new. Let me ask around my group at work.


                      Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

                      every post i noticed that it worked on 9.0

                      where can i get ICA Citrix 9.0, i'll try that could be that the issue is just with ICA version 10


                        Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

                        Here is version 9:



                          Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

                          Thanks MoonRise

                          i removed ICA citrix Client version 10 and installed version 9
                          and it works perfectly

                          i guess the issue is with the new one version 10

                          again thanks everyone for all your help


                            Re: The ICA Client received a corrupt ICA file

                            I didn't even know they released a Ver 10 until you mentioned it. Looked at their WEB and couldn't even find version 9. Luckily I keep things like that. Glad it worked!

