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Mixed or Wrong User ID's

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    Mixed or Wrong User ID's

    I have just installed Kubuntu 7.04, (dual boot with Fedora Core 6) and all is well. I like Kubuntu.

    The problem is that any file or directory that was created with my Fedora 6 system is not available to Kubuntu.
    Only if I login as root, can I access the Fedora 6 files.

    I have 3 physical hard drives in my system.
    0. (sda) 320gig for Kubuntu 7.04
    1. (sdb) 320gig for data only
    2. (sdc) 200gig for Fedora Core 6
    All 3 drives are mounted correctly at boot time (Kubuntu 7.04), and I have access to them.

    On sdb, I have my 'mail' directory.
    The idea is that no matter what system is installed, my mail directory remains in the same place.
    Fedora Core 6 can access this 'mail' directory ok, but Kubuntu 7.04 can not!

    It seems that
    Kubuntu 7.04 uses 'user Id's' that start at 1000,
    Fedora Core 6 uses 'user Id's' that start at 500.

    So every time I try to access Fedora Core 6 data from Kubuntu 7.04, my user ID is to high (1000)!

    I have tried to lower my Kubuntu 7.04 user ID to 500, but then I can not even login to my system.
    I have tried to raise my Fedora Core 6 user ID to 1000, but then I can not login to Fedora Core 6.

    Can anyone shed some light on this problem please.


    Re: Mixed or Wrong User ID's

    The quickest solution might be to add a common group to both of yourself (I just wanted to say that), chmod the file/directory g+rw, and chown it someone:common_group.

    I'm not sure how permissions work, but if that doesn't do it, set the group ID of that group to something like 1020 (on both OSes), or something that is valid and unused on both.
    For external use only.

