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How to get new panel settings?

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    How to get new panel settings?

    I just installed Feisty and have a little problem: I can't change any panel settings except for the main panel.

    In previous versions, when I opened "Configure Panel..." there was a drop-down at the top that let me choose which panel I was changing settings for. (by the way - what was selected was always the first panel - it should have selected the panel from which I opened the dialog from, it just makes more sense) Well, the drop-down isn't there anymore. Even when I right-click on the new panel, I can't get the options for it.

    So, how do I change the settings for my other panels?

    Re: How to get new panel settings?

    Originally posted by PlancksCnst
    I can't change any panel settings except for the main panel
    Restart KDE and try again ... if the problem persists, you may search the forums for an answer, for this problem has been discussed more than once (in the context of previous Kubuntu releases, that is).


      Re: How to get new panel settings?

      If you have panels other than the main one then just right click on them and select configure, it will go straight to the options for those panels.

