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Trouble with modem setup

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    Trouble with modem setup

    Hello all, i have been trying to get my BT Voyager 105 modem working with kubuntu 7.04. I have looked all over this forum and on various other forums and but i cannot get this damn modem working. i have installed pppoe_3.5-4ubuntu1_i386.deb, eciadsl-usermode_0.11-1_i386.deb, eciadsl_synch_bin.tar, and eciadsl-usermode_0.11-1_i386_with_synch_patch.deb then rebooted. I then started the config by writing eciadsl-config-text and this is what i get

    paul@paul-desktop:~$ sudo eciadsl-config-text
    [: 26: ==: unexpected operator <-- what are these?
    [: 36: 0: unexpected operator <-- what are these?
    ===== Welcome to the EciAdsl Linux driver configuration =====

    -e At any time, press Ctrl+C to quit this script without saving modifications.

    -e Tip: you can run eciadsl-config-text with a .bin file as parameter to change
    your .bin quickly.

    [: 26: ==: unexpected operator
    [: 36: 0: unexpected operator
    -e Your choice:

    1) Configure all settings
    2) Remove dabusb module
    3) Change synch .bin file
    Enter your choice (1-3, default is 1):
    ===> EciAdsl driver setup <===

    Type in your user name (given by your provider): <-- i put my name here

    Type in your password (given by your provider):
    [: 905: ==: unexpected operator
    Type in your password again (for verification):
    [: 905: ==: unexpected operator
    -e ** passwords don't match, try again

    Type in your password (given by your provider): <-- keeps asking this over and over

    i get allsorts of errors as you can see. I tried using eciadsl-config-tk but that doesn't work either. It won't get past the password section even though the passwords do match. Everything i put comes up with some errors saying unexpected operators. I don't know if there is something wrong with the script? Any help from you experts with be greatly appreciated. You can also notice there are some -e's before the output. Thank you.

    Re: Trouble with modem setup

    I have found the solution on ubuntu forums, type this in: sudo ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh to access bash as the default shell. Then do the normal configure. I would not have known how to do that for the life of me It's here if anyone else wants it anyway.

