Hi. I set up one of my kubuntu boxes to run a bash script today (scheduled using kcron). The script opens up streamripper, rips a particular url for 2 hours, saving the file to my home directory. When I came home today, the script had started pretty much on time, but the ripped mp3 file (which should've been many MB) was less than 1 MB...apparently the script started the process, but stopped it way too soon.
Can anyone help me troubleshoot this? When I run the script manually, the ripping does not seem to abort (in other words, it seems to run normally). Is scheduling the script to run via kcron a bad idea? Could kcron be stopping the execution? Thanks.
(Sorry if this is not in the best forum; my first post)
Can anyone help me troubleshoot this? When I run the script manually, the ripping does not seem to abort (in other words, it seems to run normally). Is scheduling the script to run via kcron a bad idea? Could kcron be stopping the execution? Thanks.
(Sorry if this is not in the best forum; my first post)