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googleearth installation

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    googleearth installation

    I want to install googleearth.
    I tried from medibuntu.
    But the installation process don't put a link in the Kmenu.
    The initialization process became stalled. The program don't start.
    I killed it.
    Can anyone help me?
    [linux user #449224 - Kubuntu user #15071]

    Re: googleearth installation

    I had the same problem. I installed it, but it didn't give me an icon. So I launched it via Katapult, and it started to launch and I got very excited. But as soon as the image of earth settled down, it hung up my entire system so that I had to reboot. I quickly removed it and I won't put it back for a while till the bugs are worked out.
    In hindsight, everything can be funny<br />--Anonymous


      Re: googleearth installation

      I installed it with automatix2. I worked fine. It did not put a link in my kmenu. There was a desktop link in the download so I just copied it to the desk top. I'm really new to this. If you need Automatix2 you can add this repository in Adept. Open Adept go to view and select Manage Repositories add this link at the bottom of the screen

      deb edgy main

      Then search in adept for Automatix2 and install. Automatix will not work if adept is running. Adept was running for me so I had to kill the program by typing this in the terminal. sudo killall kio_file

      I'm running edgy 6.10 You can get lots of help by reading the forums at Automatix.



        Re: googleearth installation

        That's strange - I installed Google Earth (both prog and data) via adept (from medibuntu repository?). No automatix here, for (K)ubuntu devs repeatedly warned against its use.

        Icon was automatically placed in KMenu - > Internet. Clicked on it, it started up, works fine ever since - I use it daily, and never had a single problem. A bit CPU/GPU intensive, but that's understandable given what it does.

        So on a clean install of Feisty, it should jwork, without any additions (I mean using only default tools that came with feisty).

