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Annoying sound on boot up

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    Annoying sound on boot up

    I'm wondering if there's any way to turn off the annoying "bling" sound that plays on boot up. The sound is not the regular boot up music, but some "bling" loud sound that happens right after the boot up music. I'm thinking it might have to do something with bluetooth service discovery as it play about at the same time, the Bluetooth info message pops-up. Can anyone help me out on how to turn it off?

    Re: Annoying sound on boot up

    System Settings>Notifications, click on system notifications top left then choose the "Event source" which would be the KBluetoothD device. Now the sound you hear is the bluetooth device being detected on system start-up, this is where you can either turn off the sound or change it.


      Re: Annoying sound on boot up

      Thanks, that was exactly what i was looking for. I seemed to have overlooked the "Event source" drop-down in my own attempts. I've been using Gnome up until Feisty, so I have much to learn on KDE, which is great so far!

