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New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

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    New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

    OK, I'm a bit confused. I did a search and I see posts on permissions and groups and such but I didn't find answers to my specific question. Here is my scenario. I am running Feisty Fawn 7.04 General Release. I got it all setup with one user and it is working perfectly. Well, my son starts asking questions about KUbuntu. We talked and I gladly set him up with his own login. I got sound for him and got him access to our shared folder of music. I got one of his favorite games running in Firefox and his AIM account. So everything is just grand. Except for one thing. Me being the parent I want to be able to monitor his stuff on the PC. Also, I do use the machine for Family funds and may even have some work documentation on it so I don't want him having access to that. What is happening is that he can, through kongorer, he can get into MY Home directory(except for my desktop). BUT, I can't get into HIS Home directory. This is kinda what I what I wanted just the other way around. I believe we have membership to all the same groups. I added myself as a member to his group and it didn't work. So I removed that and then made him a member of my group. Still the same thing. Now my other son wants this access also. Well, he is younger and I definitely don't want him having too much access . So if someone could please help me out by making ME the top dog where I can access their accounts but they can't access mine I would greatly appreciate it. I think I have the whole sound thing working out by just adding them to the audio group. Anyway, Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

    Re: New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

    Well, this is truly strange, since by default all users should be able to access (read-only) each other's folders, regardless of being administrators or not.

    If you don't want him to have access to certain folders, just change the permissions on that folder, for example:
    sudo chown -R razamanaz:razamanaz /home/razamanaz/family\ funds
    sudo chmod -R 600 /home/razamanaz/family\ funds
    600 means you (the owner) can read from and write to the folder, but anyone else can't even read the folder's contents.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

      Would it have anything to do with my user saying 1000 and his saying 1001? What if I made his User 1000 like my user ID is? The seems to be the only difference I see now. Also, if 600 means to make only the owner have access what would the number be to give everyone access?


        Re: New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

        1000 and 1001 have nothing to do with it. Those are just user IDs for the system (instead of the human-readable usernames you usually type).

        If you want everyone to have access, you'd make it 666

        Read more about chmod numbers here:
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

          aysiu, this is a great help. Is there a downloadable version of these commands? I'm also interested in learning what the -R means. So in your wealth of knowledge if you could tell me if there is a downloadable version or somewhere that I could place a bookmark that would be great. I believe this answers and resolves my questions. Thanks again.


            Re: New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

            I don't know if there's a downloadable version, but this Google search might help you find one.

            The -R flag means recursive, so that the change applies not only to the folder but to all the folder's contents as well.
            Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


              Re: New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

              Originally posted by Razamanaz
              somewhere that I could place a bookmark


                Re: New user has access to Admin folders but not the other way around

                Done, I set the bookmark Unicorn. Thanks for all the help everyone. I also found this page:


                Found all kinds of help here.

