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mythtv backend and frontend

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    mythtv backend and frontend

    I wasn't sure on where to post this because its a combination of software and hardware questions. I tried posting at the mythtv forums....but no answers. I like the people here anyways, they can speak noob.

    Here is where the fun begins. I have two laptops and one desktop. My desktop is an Athlon 64 X2 (dual core) with a minimal (as much as I can make with a desktop environment) install of Feisty. Its hooked directly to my wireless router (a Belkin 802.11g) with a cable. My new laptop is a AMD 64 Turion single core. Then we have my poor old lappy with an AMD Sempron 32 bit. Both laptops have Feisty, just one has the 64 bit and the other has the 32 bit.

    Okay, now that we have the mechanical preliminaries out of the way. I installed the mythtv backend and a frontend to my desktop. I used the howto guide to set it up and it works wonderfully. However, the problem is in getting my two lappys to run the frontend.

    The howto mentioned about assigning a static IP address to the backend. I assume thats a static IP from my router. So how do I assign a static to my desktop from my router? I know how to access my router from firefox, I'm just a little unsure of what I need to look for and what to type in. (another small but quick question, will either lappy be able to watch the recordings well if they use the wireless? Its all in the same room, but I figure 54 Mbps isn't that much bandwith)

    Re: mythtv backend and frontend

    You'll need to configure the desktop machine to use a static IP address rather than ask the router for one. System Settings -> Network Settings -> choose your interface and configure -> choose static IP

    You may well have to change settings on your router too, I have no idea. Just make sure the IP address you pick is in the range -> You'll also need to make sure the MySQL server is configured to accept connections from the network and not just the local host.

    Alternatively (and I've never played with routers so I don't know) you might be able to set up the router so that it always assigns the same IP address to your desktop machine.

    People have used MythTV streaming over a wireless network successfully for SD material - you might get problems if both your laptops are watching TV/recordings at once, or if you have any HD content.

    (And I take it you haven't had the same troubles as I have with Feisty and mythfrontend...)


      Re: mythtv backend and frontend

      Well I assigned a static IP for the desktop of by using the System Settings -> Network Settings -> Configure. But when I go to the Mythtv setup for both the backend and frontend on the desktop and tell them both the IP for the database is a, it says it can't find it. I have to use the loopback of And when I tell my lappys to connect to the backend @ or the loopback of, the frontend crashes. (I didn't expect the lappys to be able to connect with the loopback, but I had to try it) When I restart the frontend, they say they can't connect to the database either.

      Should I have done this from the initial installation? It would be no problem to reformat, reinstall Feisty on all three machines. (Or Edgy so I can get the sound to work on my 64bit lappy, but one problem at a time)


        Re: mythtv backend and frontend

        From a terminal on one of the laptops:

        If you don't get pings back, then it's the network setup that's gone dodgy. You may need to give the laptops static IPs too (192.168.2.x with netmask And make sure MySQL is configured to accept connections other than from localhost.

