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Setting console/keyboard for pt language

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    Setting console/keyboard for pt language


    I am running 7.04/amd64

    I have a problem to have the console/keyboard (real ones, not the kde) properly displaying portuguese chars.

    I changed /etc/console-tools/config for lat9w-16.
    I used the system-settings to turn to "yes" the starting services for console-setup.
    # ls -l rc*/S*console-setup
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2007-04-26 01:14 rc2.d/S50console-setup -> ../init.d/console-setup
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2007-04-22 05:31 rcS.d/S49console-setup -> ../init.d/console-setup

    If I manually run "/etc/init.d/console-setup restart" the console works fine.
    If I reboot, it returns to the previous state.
    Apparently /etc/init.d/console-setup does not get executed during the boot process or its execution does not succeed!

    If I stop kdm the console also returns to its original mode!

    I also tried to disable kdm from starting during the boot but still no success.

    I think this has something to do with the boot splash/framebuffer thing because if I start in safe mode the console gets well configured.

    Thanks for any help.