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Adept and distribution name ?

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    Adept and distribution name ?

    Hi all!

    Now that Adept uses checkboxes to add repositories, instead of the previous list that was a copy of /etc/apt/sources.list, I was wondering, where does it know the actual distribution version is "feisty" ? When gutsy is available, how will it handle the change ? Is there a file that Adept parses to find the version name ?


    Re: Adept and distribution name ?

    Originally posted by zeb
    Is there a file that Adept parses to find the version name ?
    It's still the same [you know what I mean] in a different wrapping, so to speak ... check /etc/apt/sources.list before and after tinkering with (the) Adept, and you'll get the point


      Re: Adept and distribution name ?

      Actually the behaviour does not seem to be the same. For instance, if I replace all "feisty" entries by "gutsy" in sources.list, then Adept software sources dialog box shows:
      - in the Kubuntu Software tab, all boxes unchecked (no feisty anymore)
      - in the Third-Party software tab, Software sources corresponding to gutsy.

      Therefore there might be a mechanism that maps feisty to the "Kubuntu software", and this is what I am looking for: where does it connect the checked boxes to the current distro version (feisty) ?

