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Offline Installations

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    Offline Installations

    When I first installed Kubuntu 6.10 Edgy, the first thing I wanted to do is listen to my music, which was saved on a NTFS HDD.. The permissions problem hit me.. > The OS also could not shut down my PC automatically.. I decided to stop using until I get 7.04.

    I installed 7.04, and it seems easier to use, except:

    1. How do I get OFFLINE installations of stuff like NTFS-3G, Wine, Gnome, Fuse, ...
    2. Give universal permissions to a partition (i.e., everyone can use the partition)?
    3. Does 7.04, come with or need stuff like gksu, fuse
    4. Is it Ubuntu legacy to never have offline executable installations (e.g., rpm's)

    Re: Offline Installations

    1) You can install DEB packages on your hard drive with this command: sudo dpkg -i package.deb
    2) Type in terminal: sudo chown john:john /path/to/your/partition (change "john" with your username) Just don't do this with root partitions - it is very unwise due to many reasons.
    3) Dont' understand.
    4) No. You can always install packages manually, but it's easier to use repositories.
    In a world without windows and fences who needs Gates?


      Re: Offline Installations

      you can also use the CD (or DVD) as repositories...

      open adept manager, and go to:

      adept>Manage Repositores>Third Party Software>ADD CD-Rom...

      i even think i read somewhere that there are people trying to create a cd full of useful addons... but i can recall where i saw that...

