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java (jre 1.6) install hangs at dialog box. grrr.

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    java (jre 1.6) install hangs at dialog box. grrr.

    I tried installing the java runtime environment using Automatix on Feisty. It gets to Sun's silly license accept dialog and hangs up there, waiting for an "OK" that there's no way to give it. The script's options are to "assume yes" but that doesn't seem to be doing it.

    The only way out of this is to abort the install, and then apt keeps trying to pick it up where it left off and hangs on the dialog box again. It does this no matter what else I'm trying to install. Running dpkg --configure -a doesn't seem to solve the problem. I've since found the suggestion to try "sudo dpkg --purge program_name" so next time I'll try that instead of reinstalling the whole OS.

    What I'm wondering is: is this a known bug? If so, does anyone know how I can find out when it's taken care of? If it's not a bug, does anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong?

    I've searched on the various forums, but don't see anything about it.

    Me too

    I have the same issue: Installation through Automatix asked to accept Sun Java T&C's, but I could not enter the <Ok>. The only way was to kill the process, which resulted dpkg/adept problem I have not been able to resolve.

    Not good: I cannot fix the problem, re-installation will most likely result the same. Time to quit & try some other distro?



      Re: java (jre 1.6) install hangs at dialog box. grrr.

      Originally posted by quixote
      What I'm wondering is: is this a known bug?
      Sort of - caused by rather strange politics on behalf of Sun Microsystems :P

      Installing these packages by means of apt-get is supposed to work, anyway.


      Further reading: APT manual


        Re: java (jre 1.6) install hangs at dialog box. grrr.

        When you get to that point in the install press the tab key to highlight the ok button. It does work but the focus is on the scrollbox for the license. You have to move the focus with the tab key and press enter....



          Re: java (jre 1.6) install hangs at dialog box. grrr.

          Thanks all, I am OK now
          - TAB gets the 'cursor' to the '<Ok>' field and allows me to accept thge T&Cs
          - "$sudo dpkg --configure -a" solved the lock issue



            Re: java (jre 1.6) install hangs at dialog box. grrr.

            If you try to install Acroread you will have the same problem. If you install JRE and Acroread from the command line, no problems. I find medibuntu works better for me, then just use the command line or Adept. I don't use automatix at all.


              Re: java (jre 1.6) install hangs at dialog box. grrr.

              Just got around to checking, and saw the tips by mfburgo and unicornrider. Thanks!

              (The tab key. Why didn't I think of that? )

              And as for Sun, they do some good stuff, but, man, do they do some weird stuff too! :P

