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Album Artist in Amarok

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    Album Artist in Amarok

    I just noticed while doing a complete wipe and upgrade to feisty that Amarok actually has a column for 'Album Artist', however when editing 'Track Information' there is no field for album artist. Is there someway in which to add a field for this, and if not why is there a column for this. Would love to find a way to add this info as its always been my biggest problem with Amarok.

    Re: Album Artist in Amarok

    I am on Amarok 1.4.3 and I have a localised (non-english) version - and I just can't find the field you are talking about? At least nothing named "Album Artist" Explicitly. However I do find the possibility to edit "artist" ID3 tag for all tracks on an album at once. Is that what you are thinking of?

    It appears they made this by editing the ID3 artist tags for all the tracks on the album. However I am not sure if this answers your question


      Re: Album Artist in Amarok

      Thats my point, in the ID3 tags there is no field for album artist, something that bugs me no end. But if you go to your current playlist and click on the current column titles you can 'show column' 'album artist' and it will add a column for album artist. Why there is a column for album artist without being able to include album artist in the tags is beyond me and I was hoping someone might know a way to add album artist to the tags.


        Re: Album Artist in Amarok

        I checked again and I think it might just be a translation issue. In my version there is no such column as "album artist." I only have "artist". This is in the checkbox list which in the english version may be accesed by right clicking on top of the columns and select "select columns" or something close to that.

        Now 1 artist release multiple albums, and seldom the other way round, so in theory it should be possible to map from album to artist and it appears like just that is being done to compile the library of albums and tracks. Therefore I guess it is possible for some other version / translation of amarok to have "album artist". Which version are you on?


          Re: Album Artist in Amarok

          I'm clicking the top of columns and selecting show columns, same as you're doing. I am running feisty with whatever version of amarok is the latest in that. Running US-English. To be clear I have 'Artist', 'Album Artist', and 'Album' columns.

