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beryl themes

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    beryl themes

    hey, I just wanted to know if when I download beryl themes, will my desktop look like theirs. It seems only my top changes but i dont get any of the other stuff that looks real cool. Could someone let me know if this is just my problem and can be fixed or if my whole user interface should change. Thanks.

    Re: beryl themes

    Beryl themes from what I've seen and played around with deal mostly with the windows decorations and text, nothing to do with the background or other tools. When you have the cube up to rotate, some people have a background behind that, and that has to be added by you as well in beryl setting manager in the skydome settings section.


      Re: beryl themes

      stevan, your "whole user interface" is not going to change just by installing Beryl. But, with the Emerald window decoration themes, the ability to "spin" your 4 desktop/viewports, and the ability to open the top and bottom of the cube, to use transparency/translucency, and to choose a skydome background, you do get a lot of additional functionality, or perhaps "eye candy", into your desktop environment.


        Re: beryl themes

        ok cool. I really like the feature that lets you view all your windows on one screen then chose, very impressive. Is there anyway to import some kind of scheme into my beryl settings manager. Would it be the same scheme as I used for the emerald theme manager? Thanks again.

        Oh also how do I make my windows "explode" when I close them, i think this is a real cool effect.

