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k3b: burning mp3:mystery continues...

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    k3b: burning mp3:mystery continues...

    Hi All,

    The new Kubuntu feisty is great, just feels so much slicker.

    K3b will now burn mp3 files to CD as a data disk and be recognised by my CD player! wodim is definetly an improvement over cdrecord in that dept. However, the CD player just skips about, plays a few seconds, does some tracking, plays a few more seconds etc. In other words the CD is useless to listen to.

    I am burning disc as rockridge/joliet, 16x speed, DAO and no-multisession. What is really driving me mad is that I used to do this with K3b years back and it worked no problem?

    Updated Tried burning at 8x & auto speed, same problem. Downloaded nerolinux3-beta, same problem. So it could possibly be the CD writer or the CD player that are faulty: cdwriter burns video discs no problem, video & sound are ok, CD player plays mp3 discs burned before, they play ok. Checked mp3 files with mpck-they all come out ok.

    The mystery continues...But K3b is still the best and most user-friendly burner app out there regardless of this problem!


    Re: k3b: burning mp3:mystery continues...

    You are not alone - I installed from ubuntu then kubuntu - all cd burn programs gnome and kde on mp3's as audio cd's - I'll report if I have success


      Re: k3b: burning mp3:mystery continues...

      ARSON cd burning program works - doesn't show up in multimedia after install - but from cli - it works
      This is after multiple reinstalls of from multiple repositories for K3B - I'll wait for the fix to be found out by using arson


        Re: k3b: burning mp3:mystery continues...

        Nope - take that back - still doesn't work - I've added bladenc - lame - everything that had the word mad or lame or mp3 in it - still batting zero - I will keep pushing on


          Re: k3b: burning mp3:mystery continues...

          Arson does work

